London Day 3: The London Eye
The London Eye
Cost: £17.28 per person (If you buy online in advance) (About $26 per person with current exchange rate)
Time: About 1 hour
If you’ve ever seen any movie/TV show that takes place in London post 1999, you’ve probably had a glimpse of The London Eye.
We just watched our first Dr. Who episode last week, it was pretty fun to see the central role The London Eye played in it!
If you haven’t heard of it, it’s essentially the largest Ferris wheel in Europe, and acts as an observation deck to see the city. You hop in a glass capsule, and it takes you around the wheel to see a 360 degree view of London.

I have to admit that even with a large, loud family from Portugal sharing our ride, this was one very romantic date.

This is one beautiful city, it’s so amazing to see the modern elements mixed with so many ancient buildings. It’s also fun to pick out the landmarks of the city.

We went at sunset- it was the perfect time to go!

“The second star to the right and straight on til morning” was the only thing I could think of with this view and this lighting.

I looked at Jacob and said, “Will any normal dates every hold a candle to this?” We both agreed likely not, this was one of the coolest things in one of the coolest places! And thus a long-standing joke ensued the rest of the trip- “Will real life even be okay? Will we still love each other when we get back? Will U.S. Camille and Jacob ever feel romantic like Paris or London Camille and Jacob, or will we look at each other and think”Yeah, you seemed cooler in Paris!”?” It was something we started to tease about at every amazing location after this.

We had heard mixed reviews about The London Eye, and I think we’d have to say it’s definitely cool, and probably worth the price to see the the city this way. If you are looking for something romantic to do and something open until late this is one excellent date! It’s one we’re glad we decided to do!

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I have always wanted to visit London Eye for a long time……