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London Day 2: The Double-Decker Bus Tour

Double-Decker Bus Tour
Cost: £24.50 per person (about $40 with current exchange rates) 
Time: At least 3 hours, but you can miss parts of it or go on it all day if you’d like and extend your time

When we asked friends for recommendations of things to do in London we had many tell us to take a double-decker bus tour. This seemed nothing but logical- do one of the cliche tourist things, and get your barrings of the city in one day! So we deemed day 2 ultra-tourist day and booked.

After researching it a little we found The Original Tour was slightly cheaper than the Big Bus Tour, and came highly recommend, so we went with cheap! In retrospect, if you are like us and plan to get off every couple stops to see things and take pics, the Big Bus tour may be better since it has more stops and covers slightly more ground. If you are a true DIY trip planner, we’ve also heard you can just go super cheap and public bus the city (they happen to be double-decker too, and you’ll only miss out on the corny jokes and commentary).

We were in no way unhappy, The Original Tour had great guides, stops were easy to find, and even with protests at Parliament that day, we still managed to figure things out with traffic jams and varied routes. But if you plan to get off and on a lot, maybe the Big Bus is the way to go.

London Double Decker Bus Tour.

This is where I had a huge picture fail, I never got a picture of us on the bus. We were so busy seeing the sights, jumping off, etc. that it just never happened. If you go, grab a pic right when you get on before you get too excited and distracted.

With that said, here are a few terrible attempts of pictures we took of each other in motion to try to prove we actually did this:

London Double Decker Bus Tour.


London Double Decker Bus Tour.


London Double Decker Bus Tour.

And other than that it’s just scenery friends, but oh what scenery it was! It will even make up for the horrendous pics we took above!

London Double Decker Bus Tour.


London Double Decker Bus Tour.


London Double Decker Bus Tour.


London Double Decker Bus Tour.
London Double Decker Bus Tour.


London Double Decker Bus Tour.
 Ancient and modern world in one place- oh London buildings, you kill me!
London Double Decker Bus Tour.


London Double Decker Bus Tour.
 There’s a chance I had quite a few daydreams about working here someday back in my English major days…
London Double Decker Bus Tour.
…but it was on the 1st story or 70th floor of a skyscraper in most of those.


London Double Decker Bus Tour.
 MI6 for all you James Bond fans out there, still intact even.
London Double Decker Bus Tour.


London Double Decker Bus Tour.
And these happened too. Grab and go noodle places are all the rage in London right now.
London Double Decker Bus Tour.
London Double Decker Bus Tour.


London Double Decker Bus Tour.


London Double Decker Bus Tour.


London Double Decker Bus Tour.
London Double Decker Bus Tour.
 And my first view of the Globe Theatre elicited a picture and a giddy squeal.
London Double Decker Bus Tour.
London Double Decker Bus Tour.
London Double Decker Bus Tour.
London Double Decker Bus Tour.
London Double Decker Bus Tour.

We did get on and off a lot- and those deserve their own posts! Stay tuned for tomorrow’s post, lots of history and beheading involved.

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