Guide to Visiting the Globe Theatre in London
Visiting the Globe Theatre in London: tips and tricks, taking a tour, and why you should see a play at Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre.
Visiting the Globe Theatre
If you have an English literature degree, there’s a great chance you spent at least one class studying Shakespeare, with at least one week talking about The Globe Theatre.
If you have ever taught high school English there’s a great chance you spent some time showing a diagram and teaching students about The Globe Theatre.
And if you have both of these things on your resume, there’s a great chance one of your biggest bucket list items is to tour The Globe Theatre and see a production of a Shakespearean play there.

And you will probably stop to appreciate once again the many published works he has contributed to the literary world.

And you will likely be in awe of the research that was done to re-build the theatre just as it was in Shakespeare’s day- right down to the sky painted on the ceiling.

And you will probably imagine people who owned box seats at that time.

And probably soak up the fact that you’re standing in a place you’ve dreamed of standing in since you first hear it existed.

There’s a good chance you’ll hang with your friend Bill.

And enjoying this moment with your favorite person is something you’d also bask in.

You’d probably almost die when it was actually time for the play you purchased tickets for to start- after all, the best of the best actors dream of performing on this stage.

And even though you aren’t supposed to take pictures, you may have hard time not sliding your cell phone into your program and snapping a few of Roger Allam while you are standing at his feet.

(You may also want to go watch Pirates of the Caribbean or V For Vendetta after…)
And you may go back to your bucket list, and find that one of the items to say “Be a groundling at the Globe Theatre during a Shakespeare production” is ready to be checked off.

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I bet it was amazing! I hear they all are 🙂
Love the Globe- I saw As You Like It there back in 2009