Navigating This Postpartum Body With StitchFix
I feel like I prepped really well for pregnancy, delivery, and the actual first day of being a parent. One of these areas included wardrobe for me and for my child. After this, life has felt like navigation using the first version of Apple Maps. We’ve definitely ended up in the desert so to speak, I thought I’d get my kid a minimalist wardrobe- one outfit per day, and I’d do laundry once or twice a week. Then reflux hit and he went through his entire wardrobe in 36 hours. It’s hot in Arizona, I thought he’d only need one jacket on top of his short sleeved onesies. Now we are having one of our coldest winters in years.
He’s not the only one struggling here. I was told I’d use my maternity clothes the first month or two postpartum and not to worry about clothes. I had no idea I’d bounce back super fast in the waist area and that I’d be out of those in a few days. I also had an idea that I’d not bounce back in hips/butt since that’s my trouble spot, but had no idea it would take this long and my body would still feel out of proportion. Postpartum recovery is no joke! Then one more big curve ball was thrown my wardrobe way- nursing. I started packing maternity clothes fast since exactly one shirt was nursing friendly, and as I unpacked my pre-mom wardrobe I noticed how much I like dry-clean only shirts. See reflux above, we do a lot of laundry around here!
Fashion and postpartum are a sad place right now and there’s just not a ton out there for these awkward phases that make me feel like puberty is happening all over again.
I’d tried StitchFix when I was pregnant and ended up buying a shirt that made me look and feel awesome my last trimester. They reached out and asked if I’d like to try it again, and I figured why not, I’m still struggling after several shopping trips and online hunts- anything can help! BTW, my friend Hilary also shared similar problems, and did a Stitch Fix plus size review.
For those who haven’t heard of StitchFix, here’s how it works. You sign up and complete a style profile- including your size, and what type of clothes you’re looking for (i.e. casual, special occasion, for the office, etc.). A stylist then chooses five custom pieces for you- and no two boxes are the same! Some truly unique pieces come your way- custom for your life. If you like them, you buy them. If you don’t, you mail them back for no charge.
I typically find I love most the pieces and one just so isn’t me. BUT, I love that they get me out of my comfort zone and help me find unique stuff I would never have found on my own! I let myself keep one piece if I’m truly in love since the stylist fee up front is credited towards a piece anyway.
Here’s what came in this box:

1. A nursing-friendly wrap dress. I asked, they answered! This one hides that postpartum pooch I worked so hard to gain and will work hard to lose, and it’s a great color for winter!

2. A cozy wrap sweater- this is lightweight while still adding some warmth- just what I asked for since that’s about all we use in Arizona. Serious model face attempt that came out awkward not included.

3. A mommy-uniform shirt with some fun detail that’s machine washable. This one won’t work for nursing very well so I don’t think it’s my winner.

4. A postpartum friendly fun top- hello great colors and print to distract from my trouble spots! This one isn’t as nursing friendly as I’d like though, so the search for a nursing friendly, casual, washable shirt wardrobe continues.

5. The perfect curvy-girl-who-loves-classics dress; I loved it the moment I saw it, but thought- agh I asked for nursing stuff. Much to my shock, this works for nursing and the fabric has enough stretch that I can totally make it happen. Hooray for a nursing friendly dress that doesn’t look like one!
I think I may have a winner! It’s also fun to take pics and see what works best on my body. For all my fashion loving readers, let me know, which StitchFix piece do you think I should choose to keep?
Also if you’re looking for a unique holiday gift this is a fun one! You can buy giftcards and let your friends choose their own style and requests. For any fashion lovers, or fashion strugglers like myself, StitchFix is a great option!
Anyone else tried it? What were your thoughts?
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Tip from a fellow breastfeeding mom/stranger: Any shirt is a nursing shirt if you put a nursing tank underneath it. Then you can just lift up the shirt, unhook the nursing tank, and your belly is still covered by the tank, but you get to wear any shirt you want!
Both dresses look amazing on you! I love that stitchfix customizes clothing based on your specific needs!
I love both of those dresses on you! I'm going to be at a total loss for what to wear with my next child because I didn't really nurse Bensen at all so I never really took it into account when I was dressing.