Paris Day 1: Eiffel Tower Picnic: The Most Romantic Night of Our Lives
With our new found “Enjoy time together in Paris” attitude, I canceled a huge walking tour our first night and decided to bask in the Eiffel Tower instead. We thought we may wait for the sun to set and stay on top of the tower, but we soon realized
1. It gets dark super late in Paris in the summer, we’d be up there with swarming crowds for literal hours
2. Humans need to eat food, typically 3 times a day
We decided to go explore a place we’d read about in Rick Steve’s Paris book- Rue Cler. Rue is street in French, so this is a literal street attraction filled with all kinds of food shops that locals frequent almost daily. I was too busy navigating to take many pictures, but don’t worry, we fell in love that fateful night with the quaint shops and delicious purchases that we returned 3 days later for a repeat activity, where more pictures were had.

I couldn’t believe we were in Paris staring at quaint buildings, people dining in the streets at cafes, fashionable people everywhere, and enjoying sights and smells I can only describe as “Paris”.

Eiffel Tower Views
We decided a picnic near The Eiffel Tower would be the perfect way to enjoy our first night in Paris. We found a park bench where we enjoyed a loaf of bread, some lunch meat, and several kinds of cheese.

The food was amazing! Simple things done remarkably well make for a great meal!
We planned to sit and wait for the light show, and learn why Paris is called “The City of Lights.” We had no idea how long we’d be there. But I regret nothing, 4 hours together people watching, enjoying the sunset and the lighting changes casting different views on the Eiffel Tower, and enjoying time in the most romantic location in the world with my love made 4 hours fly by!
Oh yes, and did I mention that we couldn’t wait to meet French pastry? I swear viewing the Eiffel Tower on a perfect summer night while eating them makes them taste even better. Choosing was one of the hardest things we’ve ever done, but we weren’t disappointed in the slightest with our decisions!

And seriously, this was our view:

Which became more and more beautiful as the night went on.

We laughed as we watched the 20-somethings flirt, the elderly lean on each other while they held hands and walked, and the irreverent photos people of all ages take around the Eiffel Tower (um, we may have joined). There are some universal pieces of human race that transfer to all cultures and all locations.

We talked about the surreal moments of the night actually happening in OUR lives. Also, we admittedly enjoyed the change of pace and focus on being together. The food we couldn’t get over, and we beheld one of the most amazing sites we have ever seen!

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oh my gosh this was amazing to see and read. I'm so happy you got to have this lovely experience, and am grateful that you got to share it with us! It's absolutely stunning.