Date Info:
NBA Basketball Game
Price: You can get deals for $20 tickets and go up to the high hundreds
Location: Most major cities have a team- we’re in Phoenix
We may have had one of the best hookups of our lives come unexpectedly. Jacob had no idea his office had some floor seats to the Phoenix Sun’s- apparently, it’s something they take clients to but it’s not something they really get to use as employees. However, when client cancelled last minute and his manager came into his area and asked if anyone wanted to go to the game in a few hours, you’d better believe I got a text telling me we had some fun plans!
The seats were absolutely incredible, we got to go in the same entry as the players, and we got the best photo op of our lives, which may be one of our favorite photos ever now.
For the record, the Sun’s Dancers are about the nicest girls ever, and their coach let me know we’d love the pictures even more with Mack crying. She was right! We laugh every time we look at these!
It was so fun to take our seats and watch the players, coaches, and dancers run right by us!
And the view of the game was pretty hard to beat! Basketball is by far my favorite sport to watch and it’s amazing how much more fun the game is when you feel like you’re a part of the action!
Our one big concern was all the stimuli and noise with the baby- we just weren’t sure how it would go! This was the first big thing we’d ever exposed him to.
He actually did really well except when a free-throw or bad call was made and the whole arena booed or cheered. He’d get scared and cry- but we learned pretty quickly if we covered his ears he was just fine! I think some noise canceling headphones would have been amazing, but old fashioned ear covering did just fine!
And after we figured that out, he was smiling and laughing and loving all the noises and people.
Seriously, the best hookup of our lives for one of our most memorable dates!