ASU Football Game
This night was a blackout- and it’s really cool to see most of a stadium decked out in black. We even grabbed some shirts to be able to fit in.
We will call these next two pics a study in sweatiness. Take one was at the glistening stage. Pic two shows us at the “lost 5 lbs” stage.

It really is amazing to see a game that close, we enjoyed it!

We won’t talk about the final score of the ASU vs. UCLA game, but luckily they have since recovered and have been killing it with other teams. I have a theory that I’m cursed and my teams lose whenever I go to a game in person. However, it’s still worth it take one L for the chance to enjoy such a fun date with some people we really love!

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I'm jealous!! I miss ASU so much. You are right though that you lose 10lbs every time you go there from sweating.
So jealous you had such amazing seats!!