Build a Back To School Wardrobe With Tons of Back to School Outfits for Under $100
I’ve been a fan and frequenter of Kid-to-Kid since I found out I was going to be a parent, and I’m delighted to team up with them to share my back-to-school wardrobe on a budget hacks in this sponsored post.
I think one of the most shocking pieces of parenthood is just how much they grow and change and how rapidly it happens! We go for a run/walk most mornings when it’s nice enough weather, and it dawned on me during a walk last spring as we passed a preschool that I only have one more school year before my child will be in preschool, and I’d better start thinking about options and waitlists! I looked at my one-and-half-year-old baby and realized just how quickly it really does go!
The moment you think you have one phase or age down, they go ahead and have a growth spurt and change seemingly overnight. This goes for all aspects of their life. Like toys, what was loved and used non-stop suddenly becomes obsolete. The clothes you just bought a month ago are starting to look a little short and small, and there’s a new need developmentally that can sometimes be shocking to the budget. Hello, baby walker or larger stroller we suddenly needed after a growth spurt and development update!
Clothes seem to get us the most, I have a little guy who is tall and always has been, and it’s left us always looking for the right clothing sizes and brands that fit his taller, leaner frame. Last fall we had a week where the temperatures dropped from a summer feel to a winter in only a few days and it left us realizing anything we’d purchase in advance on clearance was still too big and we needed to go acquire a fall/winter wardrobe. Boy, can this add up expense wise! I feel like no matter what age your child or baby is, back-to-school clothes are almost always a thing, and how much parents actually spend on clothing. It had me reflecting on how we’ve saved over $1000 as parents with some easy back-to-school wardrobe on a budget hacks.
Enter our biggest secret we’ve used as parents, we’ve been huge fans of buying quality and stylish items secondhand. So many parents buy those darling and expensive items to watch kids wear them only once or twice, and these items are the perfect thing to look for! We spent a family night at Kid-to-Kid in Gilbert, AZ last week and I was amazed how we could get an entire back-to-school/fall wardrobe for under $100!
There are so many great items aside from clothing, but clothing is usually our main focus. There are a handful of things I’m on the lookout for that make shopping at Kid-to-Kid so worthwhile!
Here’s what I look for when :
- Current season trends. I literally went to a name-brand store at the mall the same day and was smiling to see that the plaid flannel shirts, moto jeans, joggers, and screen print t-shirt trends were at Kid-to-Kid just like they were at the mall! They do a great job curating current trends, so you know you can find very good pieces that help with keeping kids trendy and stylish.
- Name Brands. I’m a big fan of designer items for children, but my wallet often isn’t. I love that I’ve bought several Ted Baker items for my son, and a few pair of designer jeans too! We’ve also found a ton of Baby Gap, Gymboree, and other higher-end clothing labels, and I gravitate to those most of all since they are prices you can’t beat!
- Church clothes/dress clothes. We do a #WhitingSunday picture on Instagram every week, and it’s so fun to dress my baby up! I love that so many people buy darling church outfits for special occasions, and they are only worn once before they are resold. This is one of the best things to find, and there are so many cute options! In fact, we’ve had our baby in a plaid tie in several of our pictures and been asked about where we got it, and guess what, the answer is Kid-to-Kid! Accessories and dress shirts are some of our favorite items!
- Jackets and coats. They do a great job putting seasonal items out just before the season hits, and I love their stockpile of jackets and coats! Particularly in AZ where we only wear these a few months, so nice to buy cute pieces that I’m getting for about $5-$10 instead of $20-$50!
- Shoes glorious shoes! I swore I wouldn’t fall in love with name-brand baby shoes, but I have to eat those words now and say how much I’ve adored them and how well they have held up! We’ve found several high-end shoes that are either new with tags or gently used that has worked perfectly.
- Complete outfits. Unless you shop at one store only, it can be so tough to figure out what sizes work together, what pieces work together, and how an outfit will come together. Perhaps my favorite part of Kid-to-Kid is the ability to grab everything I love off the rack and start to put together outfits and a capsule wardrobe that works!
- Family picture outfits. For family pictures, this can be a true lifesaver, so many pieces are organized by color and it’s the perfect place to find what you need while you pair the outfit together.
- Developmental pieces that take up a lot of space. If you watch my Instagram stories you may remember me sharing that I swore we’d never buy an exersaucer, those things take up half a living room! Lo and behold the time came if I wanted to get anything done not holding a baby I needed to acquire one. I loved heading to Kid-to-Kid and trying several different brands and options and buying one for very little money. It makes it so easy to swallow the purchase, and if you’re trying to save space and storage, it’s so easy to resale for close to what you paid and save the money for the next kid. I’ve since become a huge fan of buying the item and then reselling the item and using the funds for the next thing.
- Toys! These are another thing that kids play with for months and then seem to outgrow. I love that we can go and try out gently used items in great condition, find something I know my son loves and will play with, and get it for a very reasonable price. For a kid that has a short attention span, he’s been very happy with the rotation of toys and I’ve been very happy with the ease of reselling.
- Maternity items. Okay, I’m admitting I didn’t know about this during my pregnancy, but I am so excited to use them next time I’m in need! They have great clothing and products moms-to-be may need, and prices you can feel good about when you know you’ll only wear something for a few months.
Kid-to-Kid has been one of the best ways we’ve clothed, entertained, and supported our child’s development, and I love that we’ve done it all on a budget!
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Kid to kid is amazing! I went to one for the first time this summer to get some shoes for my daughter when we were on vacation and left hers at home, and I was AMAZED! They are awesome!