Exploring an Ethnic Food Market
Date Info:
Exploring an Ethnic Food Market
Price: Free- cost of food if purchased
Location: Any Ethnic Markets- we’re at the Chinese Cultural Center in Phoenix
We like to travel. We like food. We like new experiences and adventures. One day we’ll go to China/Thailand/Outer Mongolia I am sure. For now we just have amazing Thai food that keeps us at bay. After our Oregon Epic experience we went to an amazing Thai restaurant in downtown Portland called Typhoon. Mmmmboy. We’ll forgive them for not having our favorite curry because their Thai Kha Gai soup was the most amazing soup we’ve ever had! Our crew ordered rice and ate it like curry, and well, we’ve been craving it ever since.
We’ve also taken to making pina coladas at home, and have been buying up coconut milk and cream at Indian markets, which led us to discuss venturing out to other markets.
We had this idea once as we passed the Chinese Cultural Center in Phoenix that it would be really cool to go there someday. That someday came this past Friday. And it made for a very cool date night!
There were vegetables we’ve never seen- and ingredients needed for Thai Kha Gai.
Jacob probably got tired of asking what each prickly round-looking vegetable/fruit may be since I answered each one with “A Pokemon.”
We also enjoyed the wall of fish tanks. It’s like a mini aquarium- only they will be consumed as food, not as pets, but don’t tell them that.
There were a lot of things we just plain couldn’t figure out, and we realized we had a lot to look up at home, or ask market workers about.
Miraculously after 2-4 trips down each aisle, we found all the ingredients on our list.
And then we did something we like to do often- research food reviews for new dinner places to try.
Behold- the General Tso’s Chicken. (Note- one dish will feed 2 hungry souls no problem)
And we even tried to get the waitress to take our picture in front of Buddha without offending anyone.
She had a problem with our camera, even on auto setting.
So we got this:
But then I taught her how to use an auto-setting camera, and we got this:
Well, at least she tried! Or maybe it was just the golden aura surrounding Buddha…..
And then tonight we put together our ingredients from the Asian Market and made….
Wait for it….
Wait for it…..
Oh coconut lemongrass flavors, how we enjoyed you! It was the perfect end to our attempt to learn some new dishes and more about culture and foods.
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We LOVE Typhoon. Besides the amazing food, Reid has a discount card from work that gets us B1G1 there! Yum. I haven't tried the Tha Kha Gai. I will for sure next time!