Kayaking the Salt River: Kayaking Date
Kayaking the Salt River Arizona
Confession: I usually blog a week after the date for buffer time. Last week we went and chose paint and started changing our house. It’s way less exciting than this week’s date, so I’m posting it early and later the slightly more boring Home Depot/painting date will be posted. It also lasted all this week, and we painted our house Friday night, because we’re cool like that and stereotypical newlyweds fixing up their old home together. It’s looking good, trust me, I’ll post pics when we finish in a few weeks the house overhaul. But until then, let’s talk about our kayaking date!
BUT we decided that a Saturday day date was in order. It’s amazing how just one week off from something really fun with quality conversation makes a difference in both our attitudes about life and our marriage. We were so happy when our super cool friends turned into a super cool couple and invited us to kayak the Salt River on Saturday.
Look at John and Marisel, I mean who wouldn’t want to hang out with them, let alone double?

It was absolutely gorgeous to get out of the sun and spend some time in nature!

For rentals and a bus back to the top of the river, it was a little pricey, about $35 a person. We figure there are lots of cheaper ways to go- some people plant one car at the top and one at the bottom, many do tubes instead, some buy their own tubes/borrow kayaks, and I’m sure there are cheaper rental options at outdoor stores. We decided after being super tired we would just go with the bus ride and make it easy on ourselves.
One warning, some of the rapids are huge. It’s an outdoor adventure sport, obviously there are some risks. Camille was capsized and the kayak flipped her off, and she was dragged down a shallow part of the river with a lot of rocks that gave some bruises and open wounds. It was a little bit of a scare for about 5 minutes, but Jacob was able to rescue her, her kayak, and even her flip flops! It only cost him 2 knuckles. And really, aren’t the stories you get to tell later about battle wounds from a cool date worth it? We think so!
The only casualty? The Arrowhead water bottle. RIP Arrowhead water bottle, we enjoyed you while you lasted.
*Warning, blood in picture below, faint stomached scroll fast!

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