Las Vegas Getaway: Gordon Ramsey Burger
Our first night in Vegas we found ourselves eating very late. I guess when in Rome…
I struggle with endocrine issues and my blood sugar often drops pretty low, causing me to pass out. I was almost there when we realized we’d been too distracted and we seriously needed some good food fast!
We walked across the street from our room in The Bellagio and went to one of Gordon Ramsay’s Restaurants- BurGR.
It was worth the 15-minute wait (even after 9:00 PM) to be in such a cool restaurant with great ambiance.

But let’s talk about the food, because even though it was on the pricey side for a burger, it was seriously amazing!
We decided to get my blood sugar up fast by ordering a shake. They are famous for pudding shakes- which are just what they sound like- pudding + shake = pudding shake. We went with shake #4- Creme Brûlée Pudding Oreo. Divine my friends, D-to-the-VINE!

For round two we had the sweet potato fries. Of course, they weren’t your usual sweet potato fries (although we have nothing against those delicious fellas too). These were sweet potato fries with vanilla bean-infused powdered sugar, and honey jalapeño mayo for dipping sauce. I probably shouldn’t embarrass myself by admitting I started sprinkling the vanilla bean sugar on my plate and licking it up off a fork, but really, shame be mine, I did it! And it was worth it! And luckily I remembered my Metformin so I didn’t go into an insulin coma. But really, if there was ever a way to go…death by vanilla bean-infused powdered sugar would be it.

Our stomachs had shrunk about this time, but we knew we had to try the burgers.
Jacob ordered what the waitress told us was their must-try- The Hog Burger. Beef and pork mixed together, long before Jack-in-the-Box copied and made that catchy jingle.

Verdict: good, but not totally mind-blowing in our opinions. We cut the two we ordered in half and decided we were both bigger fans of mine- which was mind-blowing.
I ordered…..wait for it………
….the Hell’s Kitchen Burger.

The longer I live in the Southwest the more I crave jalapeños, pepper jack, and avocado in any combination. And a spicy gourmet burger just really did me in. So much so, I ate my entire half even though I was very full.

And it’s those kinds of burgers that make you think- yeah, $15 later I’m okay with what I paid.

When in Vegas, this is one place I’d highly recommend adding to your list!
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I will definitely put this place on the list!! Those fries, pudding shakes, and avocado on your burger??? Too many noms!!! Also, that stupid jack in the box jingle is definitely catchy and I hate when it gets stuck in my head!