Mesa Temple Lights
Date Info:
Mesa Temple Christmas Lights
Price: Free
Location: Mesa Arizona LDS (Mormon) Temple
Website: Mesa Temple Lights
Remember how I warned you last post that Christmas was coming this week? Don’t worry, this is the last truly holiday based post, there’s one more, but it was an activity over the holidays and could be done any time.
I had to sneak this one in, because it’s such a good reminder to me to fit in some quality time together wherever you can, even if only for an hour! The holidays seem to be such a romantic time, but also a hectic time where going on a date is almost unheard of. We had an event for a friend one night and realized it was going to bump date night. The more we talked about it, the more we mapped out our plan of action for the night and realized we could fit in just about one hour to go see light together. I’m really glad we did, even a precious hour makes all the difference!
The Mesa, Arizona Mormon temple does an excellent light display each year with musical performances from organizations throughout the valley. It really is a treat and something we do whatever we can not to miss!
It’s really the perfect place to get you in the Christmas spirit, and it doesn’t cost a thing!

I may love most of all that it gets you in the right kind of Christmas spirit and helps bring the spiritual aspect of Christmas to the forefront of my mind.

They run Thanksgiving to New Year’s each year, rain or shine, and anyone who wants to visit is welcome!
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One of my favorite things to do around Christmas! We missed it this year and I was so sad!