Home » Date Ideas » Roller Skating Date Night

Roller Skating Date Night

Date Info: 
Roller Skating 
Price: Free with a Pogo Pass- minus skate rental 
*Use promo code FRIDAY to get one for $40 which includes tons of venues, and tons of dates!
Location: Skateland- Mesa, AZ 

Sometimes the best dates are the ones that take you back to junior high nostalgia.

Roller skating date.


Roller skating night.

Neither of us have ever been on an actual date roller skating before, which made it all the more fun! Spoiler alert, it’s much more fun when you actually like the boy who asks you to skate with him and you may actually want to hold his hand!

Roller skating rink date night.


Holding hands roller skating.


Roller skating for date night.



I’m just glad he puts up with my crazy ideas and shenanigans after all these years.

Couples roller skating.


Adult Roller skating party.


Holding hands while roller skating.


Does roller skating make a good date?


And that no matter where we go or what we do we still laugh our heads off! 


Couple roller skating together.


Holding hands roller skating date night.


Roller skating couple.


Holding hands on a roller skating date night.


Couples skate roller skating.

I also love that this date was free with our Pogo Pass- we only had to pay for skate rentals! They are offering Friday We’re in Love readers an awesome deal where you get the $100 pass for $40 with our promo code!
Pogo Pass Promo Code: FRIDAY
And just to be totally upfront, we get a small affiliate commission if you use our code, so we won’t be sad if you chose to hook yourself up with it either 😉

Holding hands roller skating date.


Couple night roller skating.


Cute date idea roller skating.


Roller skating rink date.


Roller skating date idea


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  1. Laverne Helfert says:

    I think I’m going to suggest this. Neither of us are experts, but I think we can manage to stay upright and have some fun. Thanks for the suggestion.

  2. Budget Splurge Beauty says:

    So cute and fun! I have manyyyy a memories at the local rink but I know if I tried to do it now I would bust butt soooo hard. Lol

  3. gosh the pics are so darn cute. It looks like you had an amazing time.

    I only wish that I could roller skate so much better than I do. I'm either a giraffe on roller skates or cow on roller skates, neither one paint a pretty picture.

    But every time I have done it, it's been really a lot of fun.

    Even though I may have had a ton of bruises to prove that I went roller skating.

  4. Christine Everyday says:

    How old school! I love it!