The Forgotten Carols
If you haven’t heard of The Forgotten Carols it’s a play about the idea that everyone has their own carol to be sung in celebration of Christ based on their life experiences. It’s a very spiritual and Christian play, and one that seriously helps you get in the Christmas spirit!
We decided to dress up for this one, any excuse for a little fancy is welcomed in our dating world! I also can’t wait to tell all of you about this dress that I was generously given to wear on a date, I’ll be writing a whole post about it tomorrow, stay tuned if you’re into fashion or finding amazing dresses for special occasions!

There’s one thing I have to warn you about if you live in the Southwest and decide to go, there are some moments that border on pretty cheesy. Don’t get me wrong, it’s overall very great and most people don’t mind it at all. Jacob however, informed me the “awkward tingles” were alive and well on the last song when the creator has everyone link arms and sing together. Jacob doesn’t believe in touching people that he isn’t married to, so you can imagine the shock and panic when this started. Here are my favorite Jacob comments from this:
“If we sing faster will this end faster?”
“Can you just get up and leave at this part?”
“If I sing really loud will this help people realize how awkward this is?”
And there was mention of, if it was personified into a moment, this was it!
To make it even better, the lady next to Jacob let him know she had tissues if he needed any, and they WOULD be linking arms (before he even knew this was coming). She was so intense and so determined to involve him. There were tears of laughter I just couldn’t hold back every time she turned and talked to him.

Don’t let my little Scrooge influence you, this is a heartwarming story with some amazing music and talented acting! Seriously, check out the music, it’s fantastic!

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Um, yes, I was going to comment on how cute your dress is even before you mentioned it! LOVE. And I have never been to the Forgotten Carols, but we got to hear him speak at Time Out for Women and I think I get the idea of what the end must have been like for Jacob 🙂 But it sounds amazing nonetheless!