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The Hollywood Wax Museum

When you have 2 hours to kill in Hollywood before your flight leaves, it’s a good idea to plan on spending 1 hour in the Hollywood Wax Museum.
There’s just nothing like seeing stars mimicked in wax and posing with them.
LA date idea Visiting the Hollywood Wax Museum.

 Confession: I’m actually afraid of wax replicas. One of my first horror movies was Vincent Price’s House of Wax, a movie where a part owner burns down a wax museum to get insurance, injuring his other partner who comes back to rebuild his beloved museum by using murder victims covered in a thin layer of wax. CREEPY, and I’ve just never wanted to get too close to a wax figure again.
Please enjoy Jacob being funny, and now having the insider knowledge to notice my slightly creeped out looked and awkward extra feet between each figure in every image.

Robert Downey Jr at the Hollywood Wax Museum.


Wax figure at the Hollywood Wax Museum.


Michael Caine at the Hollywood Wax Museum.


Posing with wax figures at the Hollywood Wax Museum.


I dream of Genie at the Hollywood Wax Museum.


Nacho Libre figure at the Hollywood Wax Museum.


Twilight figures at the Hollywood Wax Museum.


Nicholas Cage at the Hollywood Wax Museum.


(This is as close as I got, I knew the picture would be worth the moment of terror)  
Titanic wax figures at the Wax Museum.

And then instantly back to afraid….

Forrest Gump bench at the Hollywood Wax Museum.


Harrison Ford at the Hollywood Wax Museum.


Visiting the Hollywood Wax Museum.


Hollywood Wax Museum Jackie Chan and Owen Wilson.


Visiting the Hollywood Wax Museum I love Lucy figure.


Visiting the Hollywood Wax Museum Michael Jackson figure.


Visiting the Hollywood Wax Museum Men in Black figures.


Visiting the Hollywood Wax Museum sculptures.


Visiting the Hollywood Wax Museum for date night.

 And when you’re leaving CA, there is no better place to end an amazing trip by spending your last hour standing in line for a Coconut Strawberry Boba Time!

Boba time in Los Angeles.

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One Comment

  1. It looks like a lot of fun (heebie jeebies aside!) I'm surprised they allow people to get so close to the exhibits–but it makes for some neat pictures!