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A Night in Paris: Adult Church Dance

Adult Church Dance Date Night

Date Info: 
Adult Church Sponsored Dance
Price: Free for participants, the church funded the event
Between my Instagram post today and tonight’s blog post I know my Mormon is showing pretty hard. Stick with me though, I promise it’s worth it!
Let me give you some background. From age 14-18 Mormon youth and their friends are provided with a pretty cool opportunity to go to Stake dance. This is a dance sponsored by a stake, which is a group of several congregations in a regional area. It gives them a chance to meet other faithful youth to befriend and date.
They can also bring friends who want in on all the fun Mormon youth activities. Which, basically, means having a lot of good clean fun line dancing and finding someone to dance with during slow songs.

Church Dance For Adults

Every now and then a stake will get a genius idea to hold one of these for adults as a free date night. We actually crashed one with my SIL and brother a few years ago, it was 80’s themed and awesome. It’s really hard to pass up getting your grove on with your spouse and relive your teenage nostalgia simultaneously. Plus, free, so even harder to say no to.

Unlike when youth are in charge, adults are really amazing at decorating. We honestly expected a cheesy dance in a cultural hall, but showed up to find they had pulled out all the stops- even a red carpet and projection of one of our favorite Paris scenes.

Cute adult stake dance night.

Church Sponsored Adult Date Night

They even had a Prom-style photo booth with the amazing Photography-Hill hired to crank out couple’s shots. We tried to channel our inner Parisians by looking vogue. Jacob needs more practice.
Photo booth props for a Paris themed dance.

Take two went better.

Fun Photo booth props for a Paris themed dance.


Cute Photo booth props for a Paris themed dance.

The dance floor looked amazing, they even decorated small shops with refreshments. Here was my favorite one.

Paris themed dance decorations and ideas.

Inside Jokes and Laughs Shared

Our one snarky joke was that they missed one major detail- there just weren’t any homeless men urinating anywhere. This was something we saw at almost every subway stop in Paris. We actually identified which stop to get off at for our hotel by a resident homeless man asleep on the same bench each night. Public restrooms also aren’t really a thing in Paris.

But the smells of Paris are something we always laugh about. It’s less roses, and more a combination of delicious baked bread and urine. This is just a somewhat funny reality. If you’ve never been, now you can go and see the amazing things of Paris and not be too shocked by the smell and subways. It definitely made for a funny inside joke all night!

In our stake’s defense, no one has made a candle of that scent just yet, so I guess it’s okay they kept the romantic dream Americans have.

Paris themed stake dance decorations and ideas.

The giant Eiffel Tower in the middle was an excellent touch! But what I loved seeing, even more, was all the couples together. They were either cutting a rug together to music from all decades or slow dancing and smiling and laughing together.
I think some couples just don’t date or get out much, and watching them out alone without children reminded how much love is in the world and how many happy marriages there are. I just kept smiling at all the smiles, particularly from the elderly couples who have been married so decades.

Cute Paris themed dance decorations and ideas.

The YMCA also reminded me that my love for themed dances will never die. It’s like riding a bike friends, you can always get your groove back.

Adult stake dance date night.

These were a blast as a teenager! However, I have to admit dancing with the same cute boy all night to fast and slow songs alike beats the hundreds I went to as a teen any day.

Church sponsored adult date night


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  1. This is gorgeous!! How did you assemble the Eiffel tower ? We are doing this theme for a daddy daughter dance.

    1. I wish I had the answer, we just showed up and enjoyed the fruits of someone else’s creativity!

  2. I wish I had an adult dance to attend! The decor is amazing and I can't get over the little shop with treats! SO CUTE!

  3. Wow!! They went all out on their decor, I LOVE it!! I don't think our area has had any adult dances in a while 😛