Busy Moms Self Care Tips: 5 Ways to Practice Self Care in Under 5 Minutes
With back-to-school already here in my area and just around the corner for other families around the country, most moms are already experiencing the back-to-school frenzy or a million errands to run, lots to prep, and a shortage of time for self-care as a busy mom. Mornings are chaotic, and just getting out the door can feel like a monumental task.
Even with only one child, a full schedule has me in a flurry most mornings. And I’m realizing there just isn’t always time to meet my own needs and make it where we need to be on time. But with a steep learning curve, I’ve learned a few tricks that making my life a lot easier and making a little self-care possible even when there really isn’t more than a minute for it. So let me share my 5 ways to take care of yourself as a busy in under 5 minutes and invite anyone else with a hack to share theirs in the comments as well.
Buy a healthy breakfast-on-the-go and have it ready to grab on your way out the door.
I love breakfast that is ready to go, portable, and easy to grab from the refrigerator and enjoy on my way out the door. I get a protein on-the-go, and I can start my morning off with breakfast which sets me up for a good mood, stable blood sugar, and a better morning and day.
Get a Quick Makeup Routine.
Choose three makeup items that you can apply in under a minute that gives you the most bang for your buck. Mine is a good BB cream, under eye dark circle concealer, and lipstick. I have these down to a minute art, and I know I’ll feel much better being slightly put together on a rush than feeling like a homeless person.
Lay out an outfit the night before.
I had to do this as a teen to get out the door on time and feeling confident every school day, and you’d better believe it’s still a practice I implement as an adult when I know I won’t have more than a minute for myself in the morning.
Buy a hat you love.
Seriously, it can be any color or style, but there are mornings that even the mom bun/top knot just don’t quite work out and take more than a minute. Own one hat that you love that will hide the messy unkempt hair well and be ready to rock it on your busiest of days.
Pack your own stuff the night before.
How often do we selflessly spend our time grabbing everything for our kids only to realize we have a headache because we forgot our own water bottle, and we are left without any medicine on hand? That’s just one example, but if you’re a busy mom you know what I’m talking about and what those commonly forgot items are that make a big difference for you. If you need to fill up the water bottle, pack it up the night before. You have your list of person must-have items that make your morning and your day run smoother. Make sure you plan ahead so you can grab that one bag and be ready for the next day when you only have a minute for yourself.
I’m a firm believer when moms are at their best and take care of themselves, even for only a minute or two, they are a better mom. And that’s why I’m a firm believer in breakfast, an outfit you feel good in, a small amount of pampering, and a little bit of preparation for you on even the busiest of mornings.
*Top photo by Kylie Pond
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