Last Week of Pregnancy Survival Guide
There are few things as uncomfortable as the last week of pregnancy. It takes a toll on moms-to-be physically, mentally, and emotionally while they wait for labor. This last week of pregnancy survival guide is full of a bunch of great suggestions to get you through!
I’m writing this days before baby comes, literally, in two days we will be in the hospital being induced if the baby doesn’t come sooner. You could definitely say this is the end and that I couldn’t be more thrilled or ready! The last week of pregnancy is so tough physically and mentally, and it’s something that requires a last week of pregnancy survival guide. Alternate title:
How to survive the most uncomfortable week of your life.
Because really, that last trimester and last week of pregnancy is just that, the most uncomfortable week of your life.
It’s been a really difficult pregnancy, and yet it’s a weird place to say that when you’re in infertility mama. Before I was pregnant I’d hear women complain and think, “I’d give anything to be in your shoes!” But then pregnancy happens, and anyone who has been there knows it was one of the most uncomfortable, painful, and sometimes even overwhelming experiences your body goes through.
It’s a lot like wishing for a day off work, and swearing you’ll live it up only to get your wish with the stomach flu. Experience has taught me to be honest in both cases. If you’re sick, you’re sick and you can complain pregnant mama! If you’re an infertility warrior, I’m not judging you one bit for eye-rolling and not understanding the complaints.
My first pregnancy was so different and so much easier than this one. I threw up two times the entire pregnancy, and I’d gladly admit both were my fault. I pushed to hard working out, and I drank too much water before a concert that my body couldn’t handle. With this pregnancy, there have been so few good days where I haven’t struggled with morning sickness, sciatic nerve pain, back labor, early labor contractions (I have them for a full month before baby), exhaustion, headaches, or some other fun symptom. I am truly ready to feel like myself and the thought of two children feels doable if I can just keep my head up while caring for both!
The Last Week of Pregnancy
I’ve had a handful of friends I’ve been pregnant with. Both real-life friends and internet friends due within weeks of me. The other day one was texting me asking how I’m surviving. As I wrote my friend all I’m doing to stay focused and not get overwhelmed in the last few weeks of pregnancy, she thanked me for good ideas to survive the last week of pregnancy!
She suggested I put all these in a post. Since I think this may be my last child, I’m writing all the pregnancy ideas and thoughts now before I snuggle that little human and love quickly makes me forget all the struggle!
For any mom in your last weeks, hang in there! Whether your pregnancy is easy like my first one was, or hard like this one has been, those last few weeks are no walk in the park for anyone! Nature has a way of making labor sound exciting and great. And if you’re wondering if you’re in labor this a great Am I In Labor Quiz. Which is a pretty amazing thing when you think about it!
But I do think labor is much like running a marathon. The two experiences were very similar for me, and I’ve heard that from other runner mamas too. There’s so much mental preparation that makes each possible! So for those feeling terrible, ready to do anything to just get that baby out, here are ways to cope and survive the last week of pregnancy.
Last Week of Pregnancy Survival Guide Checklist
- Keep Yourself Busy.
When your body just wants to rest, it’s hard to make social plans. But getting out and having an agenda really helps! Go to lunch with friends one last time. Run every errand. Have things on the calendar you can easily cancel if you do go into labor. It’s a great distraction to think of something besides having the baby! - Let Nesting To-Do List Take Over.
This has been my single greatest help! I have come up with a project or must-do each day! I did a corporate training as a consultant days before labor. Sure I wasn’t comfortable, but it mentally distracted me! It made me think, oh no, I HAVE to make it until this date. I also had ambitious nursery prep tasks each day. There’s always plenty to do to clean or wrap up work projects. Make a list of something to do each day and focus on those instead of when baby will come. - Bask in Things You Can’t Do Easily After Baby.
If I’m being honest, I know we won’t really get a date night in without a baby for a few months. We plan to breastfeed which means baby can’t be without me for more than an hour or two. We love to plan one last hoorah to a really nice restaurant kids aren’t welcome at. Additionally, we love to try to fit in one more movie at the theater. Think of those things you won’t be able to do and get excited about them while you still can!How to Get Through the Last Week of Pregnancy - Swim!
It’s hot in Arizona, and literally, this is how pregnant women survive! My OB actually asked me last week if I have access to a pool. Even if it was winter I think we’d be going indoors. This has helped with back labor so much! Find a community pool, ask a neighbor, and go feel weightless for an hour or two so you can survive! - Give Yourself a Simple Indulgence. I love ice chips right now. You’d better believe the pebble tech ice from Sonic is in my freezer. If you have something that sounds good to you, let yourself have it. Find a few joys in the pain.
- Find a Friend to Talk To.
I complain to my husband and pregnant friends and that’s about it right now. But each time one of them listens and sympathizes, it does help. We all remind ourselves you’re doing something amazing! We all count down together. It helps to let misery have a little company!
- Sleep!
I always get so into projects I sleep less before the baby comes, which is never good. Chances are nights aren’t going so well and you’re waking up lots. If you need a nap, take a nap! I used to even go sleep in my car on my lunch break at work. Don’t be afraid to give in and sleep a little more right now. You’ve earned it. And if you’re having a rough time sleeping check out these ways to get sleep while pregnant. - Get Organized for Life After Baby. If it’s the only thing on your mind right now anyway, and all baby prep is done, organize other things. Can you meal plan for the month after baby? Can you pre-schedule appointments? Can you get motivated to clean while pregnant something you’ll be thankful you did later?Think of things that may feel overwhelming later in the areas of your life aside from baby, and tackle or plan them now.
- Review For Birth and Nursing
I have two online courses that have been so helpful! The first is this online prenatal class. We did it as a couple for date night. I’ve spent these last couple days watching a couple videos each day. They are short and get right to the point. I really love this course and how helpful it was!
Also, I firmly believe in prepping for nursing after going in naively with my first baby and having a rough experience for both of us! I found Lacation Link three months into nursing and loved following the tips and advice and community!
This time I reviewed the Breastfeeding Basics course weeks in advance, days in advance, and even while I was in labor! I can’t recommend it enough! (post edit: After having baby, I swear by this even more! Nursing was a breeze with this baby and reviewing the course just before labor was a lifesaver! - Schedule Some Pampering.
I really wanted to get a manicure for all the holding the newborn pictures. The last time I did that was right before my last baby came! I know friends who get a massage or get a chiropractic adjustment for an easier labor. I’d figure out what you really want or need and make an appointment to look forward to!
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