The Musical Instrument Museum
We were told about the Musical Instrument Museum years ago from the lovely couple that inspired this blog. We’ve wanted to go for a while. When I received an email that educators get to go for free in the month of July with a valid teacher’s badge, it just made sense to jump on things! There are 2 weeks before school starts here, so I figure I only feel good about using and abusing my teacher discount in my final two weeks before I no longer get that paycheck! Use I did- that was a nice $15 admission savings.
We started our date off at one of our favorite places to go, True Food Kitchen. You can eat amazing food without feeling guilty, it’s all local, organic, and super healthy! For our gluten-free readers, make sure you try it, they have options to modify any and all food allergies.

We loved the Bison Burger and Chopped Chicken Salad.

As well as the drinks- Medicine Man and Honey Lemonade for the win!

Then we headed over to the MIM for a very cultural date.

With headphones on your walk around the museum which plays music from each country and displays the instruments indigenous to that area. It’s pretty amazing to see what people come up with utilizing their natural resources!

And every time we headed to a new continent it never got old to turn and say, “Hey, want to go to Asia with me right now?”

It was so interesting to see how much culture and music influence each other. This is how I feel about communist music- I’m listening to song “D”- quite the interesting brain washing going on…

Some of the instruments are just down right amazing!

And I laughed my head off at this picture. Jacob didn’t. I made him take a picture so I can always remember the lovely elderly Asian woman ready to rock!

Who lives in a pineapple under the sea?

We loved the costumes included with the music.

And seeing how so many instruments are made.

And seeing unique instruments for different eras.

We’d been warned we’d have to fight children to play anything in the Experience Gallery. Good thing when you go Friday night there are only about 3 couples in the whole place!

Jacob kept saying “I wish I could hit a gong” while we were in Asia. Dreams come true in the Experience Gallery!

And any excuse to play the air guitar makes a great date in our book!

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