Birth Story: Told in Hospital Photos
We had a birth photographer set up, but he came faster than we planned so the timing didn’t work. Our dear friend Annie showed up the next morning to capture some of his first hours of life and us just falling more and more in love with him by the minute!
If you’re on the fence about birth photography, let me highly recommend hospital photography a few hours after birth. Although I wish we had more of the emotion in the moment, we also were able to shower and I was wearing clothes and makeup, so I’ll always feel better about these pictures for my own vanity.
Plus, it did keep the birth a private, sacred moment between me and Jacob, which was kind of nice in its own way, and addressed Jacob’s big concern with letting someone else be in the room with us. I think this was the ultimate compromise, and I’m so grateful for these moments captured in the privacy of our recovery room.
Enough talk, let’s share an overload of pictures from one of the happiest mornings of our lives!

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THAT FOX HAT OMG. I cant handle it. you also look beautiful!! Can I look that good after giving birth? One can only hope. Beautiful pictures you will cherish forever!
congrats! where did you get that kimono? I'm due in December and am looking for something similar 🙂
You look amazing and that baby hat is (heart eyes emoji) and also your hair looks great and….and…all the things