Friday We’re In Love
The story of Friday We’re in Love: Why we started this project and what this blog is all about!
Why We Started Friday We’re in Love
Have you ever noticed that so many people seem to be completely in love when they get married and then the love and excitement seems to fade within only a year or two?
We’ve had so many talks about what happens to married couples and how so many seem like business partners instead of romantic relationships. Our commitment-phobic ideas surfaced often as we had these chats. I mean honestly- what is the key to being one of those few, lucky, truly happy people who seem to grow in love as time goes on?
The Best Marriage Advice
We had recently had a class with some of our favorite people and former church leaders on marriage. They gave us a date planner to let us know it’s important and that is what will keep love alive.
We kind of giggled at the idea that people need a calendar to plan fun things and a special time to be together. The calendar challenged us to make list of things we want to do together. After the list, we were told to write down on the calendar the exact dates we would do them. (Here’s a calendar similar to what we used)
We kind of giggled at the idea that people need a calendar to plan fun things and a special time to be together. The calendar challenged us to make list of things we want to do together. After the list, we were told to write down on the calendar the exact dates we would do them. (Here’s a calendar similar to what we used)
They explained, “If you don’t plan it, time will take over and you won’t have time for each other and your marriage. This time is crucial.”
Have you also noticed that most people get married and start a blog?
We joked about the cliche of newlyweds starting a blog. At first, we didn’t plan to start one. But then one beautiful night as we went to dinner and had a discussion that changed everything. We talked about the importance of dating in marriage. Our bishop’s lesson given the night before was some of the best marriage advice. Ultimately, we needed to make it officially part of our lives. As much as we smiled about the formal calendar, we realized the ultimate wisdom in creating formal date night plans.
We decided we were going to need to keep ourselves accountable for dates and make sure we plan something at least every week. Friday felt like our best night. Hence, Friday We’re in Love.

What Friday We’re in Love Is All About
So here’s the deal:
Friday is date night. That’s going to be our minimum. Every Friday we are going to do something fun together to make sure our relationship stays top priority and we’re one of those cool old couples who love each other more.
We’ll switch off who plans the date every other week.
We are going to do our darnedest to take pictures of the activity and hopefully inspire others to do the same and make formal date nights a priority! Friday We’re in love will be our project to document date night. Date Night means the night couples set aside to cultivate the love and friendship in their relationship, and we will make sure we stay accountable to it!
On our Friday night date nights, we make sure we fall in love again.
One of our favorite songs is by The Cure, entitled “Friday I’m in Love.” Hopefully, we’ll love each other on other days too. But we’re making this lyric our new slogan, Friday We’re In Love–
And thus another couple starts their lives together as husband and wife, and thus another blog is born.
LOVE you two! Seriously! My husband and I have worked hard at doing weekly date nights but our two babies have made it a bit tough. Definitely something we need to get back to being really intentional about.
Thanks for the inspiration and for sharing!!
I also love Friday, I'm in Love, and I have gotten TONS of great ideas off this blog for an anniversary date night with my hubby this weekend! THANK YOU!!!
I LOVE this… thanks for sharing and can't wait to see the pics!
You're a genius. I'm becomming a follower right now. Can't wait for Friday!!! 🙂
You have a fantastic idea by the way… one question though… what IS date night? 🙂
Since I am the first follower of your blog, I would also like my blog to be the first blog that is added to your "friends list" the one you keep on the side of your blog so that you remember to actually look at your friends blogs (hint hint look at my blog too 🙂 Deal? (kinda kidding but mostly not) Love ya, glad you are so happy oh and my blog is