Opening Up About Colic and Experience with the mamaRoo Swing
We couldn’t believe the difference the mamaRoo swing made for our baby while we were dealing with colic and sleepless nights. This 4 moms swing was a product we were skeptical of, but we’re sharing our experience with the mamRoo and a video to show how quickly it worked to soothe our infant!
Dealing with Colic and What Helped
I’ve had such a joyous week watching some of my best friends become parents after years of hoping and praying they would have the opportunity. Seeing their joy the first two weeks on social media took me right back to our first weeks as parents and how excited we were! But something dawned on me as I’m seeing them enter week 3- that’s the week I don’t talk about very often, the week that colic appeared.
Colic, defined as a baby crying more than three hours a day for three or more days a week, was something that hit us and hit us hard. There was reflux involved, which made things worse, but poor Mack was a pretty unhappy little newborn for most of the afternoon and evening the first few months of his life. To say it was stressful as a new mom would be an understatement. Feeling like you can’t do anything to help your baby and meet their needs is one of the worst feelings.
Soothing Baby and the MamaRoo Rocking Motion
I loved being a parent, I knew he was our miracle baby, and I didn’t ever want to cast a negative light on our gratitude and joy during this stressful time. But colic combined with postpartum hormones had me in a lot of tears and waiting for Jacob to get home from work for some relief and some time out the door away from the screaming baby who caused me a lot of stress.
We found just a few things that really made a difference for us and helped Mack feel calm and get some sleep. Perhaps the biggest was following a few suggestions from The Happiest Baby on the Block, which gives several “S”es that pacify an upset baby. Among the ones that helped for us included the sucking using a pacifier. Also the swaddling which Jacob is an all-time pro at. Finally the swing- or the rocking motion to calm them down and help them feel like they are in the womb again.
That was a particularly hard one to do for long since arms got tired quickly, but we found the rocking motion as the third and final element our baby needed to calm down after hours of crying. Sometimes a traditional swing would help, but sometimes it didn’t, and we knew he could tell the difference between the natural rocking motion parents do, and the fake vibrations and side swing machines do.
The 4moms mamaRoo Swing
This is where an ingenious product comes into play that can be a saver for any parent who has experienced colic- or just needs to set the baby down for that matter!
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Mamaroo Swing and Babies with Colic
The 4moms mamaRoo swing is the first and only swing that sways and moves like parents do. It sways from side with the same motions parents do when comforting. The mamaRoo infant insert in the mamaRoo swing features five unique motions and five-speed options, and you can get a good idea how each move by checking out their super cool widget on their website. Sorry, former development project manager had to come out for a minute and give that thing mad props :)!
I also love that there are built in sound options to create white noise or connect to any MP3 device to the mamaRoo swing. All the speeds and sounds are controllable through their app as well, making things even more modern and convenient!

Visit here to learn about even more cool features and products!
Soothing a Baby with Colic and the 4moms Mamaroo Swing
Now that our little guy is outgrowing this precious phase we have a few thoughts to share. I have to say we really love that the mamaRoo infant seat offers full recline to allow baby to lie back and relax or sit up and play- which is so excellent as they approach the age/development/weight limit (25 lbs). Why do they have to learn to sit up on their own? I mean I know it’s darling, but if we could use our mamaRoo infant swing for as long as he’s an infant we totally would!
Also as a mom of a very tall baby, we watched him grow out of most infant seats and swings in no time, darn those tall and large Whiting genes he has! With the mamaRoo infant swing I really appreciate the modern design that works well for tall babies too- so take note anyone with tall genes that may come to fruition.
I even have a movie to show how fast a mamaRoo swing soothes a baby! Even though our baby is getting ready to say goodbye (insert all the crying where-did-my-baby-go emojis) we stuck him to see if we could show how fast it soothes him on film. Even as an older baby who has outgrown his colic the movie is the proof! And, the results speak for them self!
(movie link:
So, parents and future parents, I have to say this really is worth the investment! For anyone with a colicky baby wondering if there’s anything that can help, I promise this is one product that can! Save your arms some strain and get this perfect infant swing that is the most effective product we found to soothe a colicky baby!
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I ordered it before reading your article, I can’t wait to receive it, it’s tiring not being able to put the baby down for more than 10min when not asleep… She’s 5 weeks old and teeny tiny so hopefully I’ll be able to use it long enough
I sure hope it helps you like it helped us!
Thank you for sharing your experience! I have a 6 week old very gassy and colicky baby, just bought the Mamaro swing on Amazon ! I can’t wait for it to arrive and try it. We have a classic baby swing but it doesn’t soothe him much. Loved the video of your loved one to xox
I sure hope it helped! Colic is sure hard and hang in there while you get through the tough phase!