Spain Day 1: Madrid Temple
I am so excited to finally start sharing our travels to Spain- our itinerary, our experiences, and our travel tips! Obviously this trip was a little different because we brought the baby with us, and we had to accomodate his schedule the best we could, so we had a very slightly more relaxed trip to Europe than our normal adventures. This included taking the first half day in Spain very slow, and allowing the baby to catch up on some sleep after we landed and were pretty jet lagged. We are lucky to have friends who live in Spain, and have a trusted babysitter willing to stay with Mack and feed him and make sure he got some quality sleep while we ran off to the Madrid LDS temple to knock off our 50 Temple Project temple first thing on the trip!
For those who are new readers, we made a bucket list item to visit 50 LDS temples together before we die, so we hit one up everywhere we travel if we can. It’s fun to see our list growing and realize maybe one day we’ll make this ambitious goal!

I’m so glad we got to add another temple to the list, and I’m glad we were lucky enough to have a very trustworthy babysitter so we could set foot in Madrid and explore for the first time alone just holding hands and being together.

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I love that you guys have seen so many different temples in different places! Such a neat tradition.