What to expect if you register for a neon run. Here’s our experience and plenty of photos for a peak into what it’s like to run the Neon Splash and Dash 5k.
The Neon Run
A few months ago I received an email in my inbox letting me know I was registered for The Neon Run Splash and Dash 5k. Jacob had mentioned it a week earlier, and as I researched this race I was really excited by the concept! I love when he just plans dates proactively and I just get an email or calendar notice. This one was seriously right up my alley!
The Neon Splash and Dash 5k
The concept is runners must wear a white shirt and they run a 5k (3.1 miles). Along the route, runners go through splash zones where they are sprayed with neon glow water. There were 4 splash zones, each with a different color. And of course, they’ll neon as you would expect at the neon run.
At each station, loud music is played and runners are sprayed with squirt guns. There is also a black light center in the middle where runners can stop for a dance party. Or maybe just to take pictures and enjoy the neon glow.
We took a few pictures but were pretty into running the race.
But we really enjoyed taking pictures at the end, with their cool background and black lights.

Do you need to run, or can you walk a neon run?
Because this is such a fun 5k- it’s very walker friendly, and I was proud of many people who weren’t runners who came just to get out there and walk. There were so many couples and families with kids running/walking together, and everyone seemed to have a great time!
My only complaint is some walkers don’t know race etiquette: if you walk you should move to the right so runners can pass, just like driving. Since we had to start in waves there were many groups walking along the path blocking runners from passing. I told myself to calm down and enjoy the race, even if slow. I’d had an injury that prevented me from running all that week and this was my first day back on track with my injured calf feeling great, I think my body just wanted to go no matter how much my mind told it to calm down! 🙂
I had an ego-boost too as I passed a group of women walkers and I heard one say “man that girl is buff!” Far from it, but at least I walked away feeling like maybe all the running I’ve been doing lately is showing in my least favorite section of my body- the leg region! Even if they said it about someone else, I’m just going to go forth with better feelings towards my legs!
Preparing for a Marathon
And I guess it’s time for me to share some personal information on the blog, that I’m kind of scared to admit publicly. I am tackling my biggest bucket list item this year and I’m signed up to run my first marathon in March. I’ve been signed up since August, but I’ve feared injuries or not making it all the way, so I wanted to keep it secret until I was close. I’m friends with many key members of The Phoenix Marathon committee because the company I work for redesigned their website’s homepage, and we’re helping with their interactive marketing too. One of the serious runners on the committee told me to just post it publicly and get over the fear because even if you don’t make it, you still have support in what you did do! I’m planning to make it-
I’m about 1/3 of the way through the training schedule and up to 7 miles now. I’ve run a half marathon before and almost ran a 2nd one before we got married until Bronchitis and tough MBA classes had other plans. I have half an idea of what I’m in for, and I’m really excited to be tackling this.
Doing a Neon Run for Date Night
I couldn’t be more grateful for a supportive husband who has planned dates around this training, like races and walks on the days I’m supposed to walk for 60 minutes. He lets me choose places that will help me carb-load (with endocrine issues in mind) for our usual Friday night dinner, and he’s so patient with the fact that I’m falling asleep earlier these days (I get up really early to do my runs).
He’s planning on doing his first half, so it has been a wonderful experience to run together and to have some dates where we work on losing weight and getting in shape versus just eating or enjoying dessert (those are our favorite kinds, so this is a change indeed)!
But I must admit, I’ve run A LOT of 5ks in my life, and this was by far the funnest one I have ever done! The DJ and
dance party after the race under neon lights only contributed to the fun we had during the run.
Particularly when I turned to Jacob and said, “If only they’d play Teach My How to Dougie, this party would be complete!” And apparently, they read my mind. That was the next song, and my time spent with a tutorial video paid off big time! 
Really even if you aren’t a serious runner or training for anything, 5ks with awesome themes are a wonderful date, even if you’re just getting out and walking it together!
Like this unique date idea? Be sure to check out these posts too:
The Color Run Race Date
101 Active Date Ideas(Opens in a new browser tab)
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This looks like so much fun! New follower!
How fun is this?! I've never seen a race like this… Totally want to do it someday!
I love this! I wish my husbie could run with me (knees) but I would love doing something like this with friends! Way to go on the marathon training! I keep thinking I may have a marathon in my future but I have to do better on my half marathons before I can even think about running a 20 mile training run. Gross!
That looks like so much fun!! I am beginning to work my way up to jogging/running right now and this would be a great one for my husband and I to do in the future.
That looks soooo fun!!! And good luck girl, I know you can do it!!