5 Busy Mom Hacks That Will Help You Find More Time in Your Day
5 Busy Mom Hacks to Find More Time in the Day. These life hacks for moms will help you get more done and find more time to finish your to-do list!
I just shared my New Year’s Resolution to continue to come out of the new-mom black hole I’ve been in the past year, and start to make more happen than just my daily routines and responsibilities. But that doesn’t mean there’s a shortage of responsibilities that suck time and sometimes seem to take an entire day! I don’t think those are getting fewer, I just think I’ve found a couple ways to be more efficient and buy myself more time, and I want to share my five favorite mom hacks that help me find more time in my day with you!
Busy Mom Hacks
1. Meal Planning
There’s nothing like the stress of the last-minute meal hoping you can scrounge something up and possibly having to make a trip to the store. I let myself slip in December and I’m ready to jump back on this time and money saver. It may take a few minutes to plan, but I love trying to get as efficient as I can. Like I may make a pot roast day one and double the amount, then use the cooked beef in 2-3 other recipes that week. Such a time saver!
Also, by the time we go out to eat it ends up taking more time and more of our night than a simple meal at home would. I’m also learning to plan for two-week time spans, I find I can get even more efficient with time and ingredients and only have to pick up fresh produce on week number two which saves more time shopping.
2. Freezer Meals
I couldn’t keep this one to myself and last year I started blogging my One Meal Now One Meal Later series when I realized this was buying me at least two extra hours a week. I make one meal and double it to freeze the second portion. More often than not these are Crock Pot Freezer meals so it’s simple to dump in the morning and know I have dinner.
No stress, no prep, and my afternoon and evening are far more freed up to do other things. The doubling takes me maybe 5 minutes extra per recipe, so it’s one of my biggest wins as far as saving time is concerned.
Mom Hacks to Find More Time In Your Day
3. Stock Up on Necessities
I’ll never forget our first panic realizing we were out of diapers and Jacob making a 45 minute run to the store to get some for our little newborn. We vowed then and there we weren’t going to have that unexpected time-suck again. Plus there’s having to pay more for places open late if you’re in a real late-night bind.
I am absolutely loving the Huggies® two-month supply box found at Sam’s Club right now! We’re talking 312 Little Movers diapers, which may be a bit big and overwhelming in the first trip, but the savings are just as big and there’s only one trip to the store for quite a while!

Not to mention the toddler giddiness of seeing a baby his size on the box! We take that box home and stash it in his closet with plenty of diapers to supply and refill the changing table bin for months to come- hooray!

We do the same thing with paper towels, toilet paper, and food items we know we constantly use. Finding sales and big pack promotions always help the budget and always buy me more time not having to run as many errands.
Life Hacks for Moms
4. Utilize Grocery Pick-Up
Grocery pick-up may be the greatest thing that ever happened to busy moms! You can spend about 10 minutes shopping online, call to let them know you’re 15 minutes out, and get your order at your car or easily picked up in the store. I love the idea of just swinging by after work or going right after the gym and cutting your shopping time by maybe by 20 minutes or more!
Sam’s Club is participating in club pick as well, so it’s like two birds with one stone stocking up and picking it all up in a hurry. I’m going to loop this with online shopping too- lifesaver! And Sam’s Club also does free shipping on select baby items, and subscription services too! These are all such great perks to owning a membership!
One of the Best Busy Mom Hacks
5. Go to Bed with a Clean Kitchen
I think most people are the most efficient first thing in the morning, or at least after a few minutes to wake up and eat breakfast, and I often think of what eats my efficient time the fastest. I try to get up and workout, get some quality time in with my child, and shift gears and check email first thing.
If I wake up to a mess from the previous night, I typically waste my morning scrubbing dishes and cleaning instead of getting a jump on my day. Everything seems to clean up easier in the moment it’s messy (I’m looking at you dishes), so I’ve made it a goal to clean every night and wake up with a fresh start. I in no way can get to my whole my entire house, but my kitchen is something I can commit to each night. I’m here to tell you, it makes all the difference!
A little preparation the night before gives me the ability to start off accomplishing and feeling like I have more time, instead of feeling buried and trying to catch up.
So those are five of my busy mom hacks that help me carve out more time in my day and get more done. I’d love to hear, do you have any other tips for busy moms?
And if you’re a parent with a toddler in diapers, don’t forget to grab the Huggies® #biggestpackever!
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