Big Bang Piano Bar
We first learned about piano bars on our honeymoon- our cruise ship had one open nightly. We really fell in love when we took our 2nd cruise and had more days at sea. We’ve always thought that would be a great date- just hitting up a piano bar.
Lucky for us there is one in our area! The Big Bang Piano Bar is located off Mill Avenue in the Downtown Tempe District, and it’s open Tuesday-Saturday until all hours of the night. One of the best parts about visiting is this date is inexpensive or even a free date if you’re a student with an ID. We only had a $6 cover charge to get in, and some nights cover is waived.
If you haven’t heard of a piano bar before here’s the concept: two amazing pianist take the stage and play and sing pretty much any song the audience wants/can think of. They duel it out together, and the audience joins in singing and dancing along to songs. Do you know how Disney made a killing off their sing-along-songs line? Well, this is basically the adult version of sing-along-songs.

Here’s a sample of what you’ll experience:
Even though we don’t drink, I must admit, it’s quite entertaining to come and enjoy watching others get drunk and sing and dance their hearts out. Life without inhibitions can be a really funny thing- I was laughing my head off most the night! And seriously, neither of us could carry a tune if our life depended on it, so we were in good company singing right along. Maybe we should look into getting some inhibitions…we’re 100% sober all the time and seem to still have no shame.
But if we’re being honest, I was really there to hear and sing along with one artist in particular. I have to confess, I love Neil Diamond. If you’re a fan of What About Bob, I hope you’re thinking of THIS scene right now.
My parents owned his greatest hits album growing up, and what started as a joke of listening along turned into some pure love. Whenever I’m having a bad day I know I can flip on some Neil and instantly start laughing, singing along, and feeling better. I’m pretty sure that CD is in my car right now. Um, actually as I type this near my garage how can I not go verify this?
*Runs to the garage
and waits for it…

So yes, I made everyone wait for this moment, which Jacob couldn’t resist filming. And indeed, my night was complete.

But I didn’t complain when we topped this moment off by leaving the Big Bang, and walking down Mill to get some Slickables. Fresh baked cookies + ice cream= match made in Heaven.

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Oh my gosh, this is for sure going to be a date night soon! I know–this is way late, we just got internet at our new house, so I'm catching up on your blog 🙂
Awesome- it's a fun one 🙂
Do, you'll love it!
Haha, yes Shannon, there isn't a way you don't have one! 🙂 Most big cities do, and most do free or cheap cover charge- win-win-WIN!
You guys are so fun! And you seem to have so many great dessert places nearby -lucky! Now I have to do a google search for a piano bar in our area. I'm SURE we are bound to have one – it IS Vegas, after all.
Wow!!! This place looks so fun! Definitely on our “To Date” list now!
Thanks for the date idea! I think I'll have to try this place out.