Dock a Tot Reviews: My Working From Home with a Newborn Lifesaver!
Our experience with a Dock a Tot, and how it became my working from home with a newborn lifesaver! Honest Dock a Tot reviews for parents wondering if it’s right for them.
Working from Home with a Newborn
I knew adjusting to two may be difficult, which is why I worked a lot while pregnant to get ahead enough in work so I could take a maternity leave. A true couple of weeks off to just enjoy the baby, and to adjust to being a mom of two. I told our nanny we probably wouldn’t need her for a few weeks.
Then something crazy happened. I forgot how much newborns love sleep! I forgot how much my toddler loves nanny time and woke up every day asking when the next he could see her would be. So I texted, she was happy to come back after two weeks off and planned to work again.
Adjusting to Working With a New Baby
There was just one thing to figure out: how was I going to work at home with a newborn? Working from home with a newborn was a task I wasn’t familiar with and needed to figure out.
Even with the baby mostly sleeping, there’s a feeding for 20 minutes every two hours (or less!) diaper changing, wanting to be held, and I would still need to get some things done while letting him feel close to me. Working from home with a newborn was going to take some juggling.
Enter, the Dock a Tot. See our model here.
Dock a Tot
These came on the scene after we had our first baby, so the Dock a Tot was a new product I’d heard so much about. So many parents swore it was the only way they got any sleep. Many said they finally felt safe cosleeping. Lots of moms preferred it to a bouncer or play center. Most said they loved it so much more than just using a blanket on the ground, and baby clearly did too.
I loved it for the idea that the baby could play and interact with me safely and comfortably. I loved the concept that I could move it from room to room easily. Hello travel-friendly product, you know I’m always a fan of those great ideas! And of course, I’m a sucker for cute items with great prints since I take a lot of pictures of my kids.
Plus it’s tested for breathability, 100% cotton, all natural, and has an ideal micro-climate for babies and tots. It’s meant to be fantastic for babies and for parents!
But was it worth the price tag?
Dock a Tot Reviews
In full disclosure, I received product compliments of Dock a Tot. But we tried one out before deciding we needed to own one, and I’m glad we did! I reached out to Dock a Tot after and asked if I could sing their praises and if they’d send me one to share. Luckily, they were game!
My favorite part is my baby will actually catnap in it while I work! He LOVES being held. And, unless he’s in my arms or a wrap that feels like he’s being held, he often won’t sleep during the day. He needs to feel close to mom. It’s darling, and it’s hard to get anything done. But when I set him next to me on the ground in his baby lounger and he gets the sensation he’s being held, he sleeps! I get work done, even with a newborn!
Dock a Tot Delux
The Dock a Tot Delux also helped him sleep better at night. He knows he takes a nap in the day in the Dock a Tot, and that he sleeps in his crib at night. We’re seeing longer stretches of sleep every week he gets older. It’s a product that’s made him so aware of the difference between night and day. That’s something we never had with our first. Having a little more sleep makes so much difference for the entire family!
If you’re a new parent, an expecting parent, a photographer, or someone looking to help a mom in need of some time with their hands or time to work, the Dock a Tot is such a great purchase!
Photos by: Chrissy Blake
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