Happy 1st Birthday Miracle Baby!
The other night as we were prepping for birthday celebrations we talked about a phrase Jacob said during one of our lowest moments of a failed infertility treatment. I cried quite a bit that month and felt pretty hopeless and asked Jacob, “Do you think we’re just not meant to be parents? What if we’re legitimately not able to have children? What if we can’t adopt?”
Jacob usually offers a lot of hope and optimism, but he said, “That’s a pretty sad thought. I don’t think you can experience a fullness of joy without the experience of parenthood.”
We mourned the moment, and braced ourselves for more daily appointments, blood draws, trigger shots, and more disappointment, but also kept a very little glimmer of hope for several more months.
Our story had a happy ending only a few months later, and we were shocked to learn of our miracle pregnancy and baby on the way! Today marks one year since we welcomed our little man into the world. We both agreed wholeheartedly that we’d describe this year as one of joy! Not that there haven’t been hard moments, colic, and stress, but the happiness we’ve felt experiencing parenthood is something there’s no way we could have ever imagined! We laugh every single day. We’ve felt an increased love for each other. We just adore this person more than we thought we possibly could!
It’s taken several weeks, but I’ve seriously paired down some very full hard drives and selected the best movies and picture highlights from the year and created a movie showing just what a happy year it’s been! I love his cuteness, but I also love the looks and smiles on my and Jacob’s faces in every single clip we have.
Happy Birthday little boy, we’re grateful every day for our little miracle!
Here are a Few Posts Documenting our Journey!
Pregnancy Announcement
What it’s Like to Find Out You’re Pregnant After Years of Infertility
Gender Reveal
Birth Story
Birth Story in Photos
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So precious!!! <3
awww. Happy birthday mack! (I said that on snapchat already :P) After being a follower for so long (or what feels like so long!) it really just makes me so happy for you guys to see you so happy and get your miracle. It just makes my heart swell!
This is so sweet. All the feels!
Maybe it's the pregnancy hormones, but I'm over here crying after that video! Mack is pretty much the most stylish baby there is. Happy birthday to him!