Online Birthing Classes
.Looking for a great birthing class? These online birthing classes were just what we needed as busy parents-to-be with so much good information that prepared us for labor and delivery!
Birthing Class Date Night Info
And you can try a FREE Intro Class HERE to make sure it’s for you!
Birthing Classes
Let me tell you as a first time mom there wasn’t enough reading and studying material I could get my hands on to prepare for birth! As an older mom, I’d heard just about every story of labor and delivery I think you can. I had friends swear they were going natural who ended up in an emergency c-section. Alternately, I had friends swear they were getting an epidural only to find issues or too far of a progression to get one.
I knew you could plan and prepare for what type of birth you wanted. But I also knew it may not be what happens.
This is why I decided I’d start to plan what type of birth I wanted with my doctor. But also, I decided I’d better read up on everything just in case. What if I wanted to go natural? I’d better be aware of what could happen. Such as what if I wanted an epidural and it didn’t really take effect (yes I’ve had a friend go through that). Or what if I’d arrive at the hospital in too late, I wanted to know natural birth methods too.
This is why I think birthday classes are a great idea! We’ve now done two, and they’ve made great dates for us as expecting parents.
When to Take Birthing Classes
There’s some flexibility with timing on the best time to taking birthing classes is. Essentially you want to have plenty of time before you are in labor, but you also don’t want to take it so early you’ll forget. When to take a birthing class depends a lot on your birth plan and where you’re delivering.
I’d say two months before delivery is an excellent time. Take good notes, and review as you get closer to your due date.
Online Birthing Classes
We decided as a couple that labor and delivery classes were our best option to learn and be prepared for labor. Our first was in the hospital all day on a Saturday. This time around we felt like we wanted to do another, but didn’t have the time to give up a full Saturday. That’s where a great online birthing class comes into play.
We took our online birthing class from Hilary Erikson from Pulling Curls. She’s been a labor and delivery nurse for years. She’s also about as straightforward and practical as they come! I’ve been researching so much of labor online. It was awesome to watch her course and think, well there is everything I actually needed to know in one place!
It’s just over an hour of videos of her explaining what’s happening with one’s body. Also, when to go to the hospital, how couples can team up for a successful delivery, and the stages and phases of labor. I seriously loved how quick and it easy it was to feel completely prepared for birth.
I’d recommend it to first time parents, and definitely, parents who need a refresher as we did.
Aside from videos, there are supplemental reading material and easy outlines to follow. If you need to go back and reference anything, it’s really easy to find.
Our Birth Plan
I love those courses that don’t have a bias on how a birth plan should go. The best just give you information to make informed decisions. I also love that Hilary briefly mentions pricing and charges you can avoid.
Most of all, I love that this was the fastest, easiest way to gain the knowledge and information needed to prepare us for our next baby. It was efficient, it was fun to do and talk about together. And now we’re ready for baby to come.
But really baby, we’re full-term, let’s get ourselves together here and come!
If you’re ready to check out online birthing classes, you can REGISTER HERE
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