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Pictures With Santa

This pictures with Santa blog post is sponsored by Santa HQ. While the views expressed here are genuinely mine, consideration was paid to me by Santa HQ to review this product

Date Info: 
Pictures with Santa family date (but a couple’s date night would be fun too!)
Price: The cost of your photo package, I’d plan about $35
Location: Santa HQ: There are several locations! Find the closet in your area here.
Time: 30-1 hour (You reserve your spot, so it moves quickly you can just take time to enjoy the fun activities and photo ops)
Tip: I’d book it online in advance so there’s no waiting in line! Also, check for pet nights if you want Santa photos with pets. Additionally, they’re happy to take kid pictures or entire family shots, so be camera ready!

pictures with Santa near me

The best part of being a parent is soaking in the good things of each particular age. Last year we went on a family date to get pictures with Santa, and I scored my dream picture of a toddler crying on Santa’s lap. This year, I knew that phase had come and gone, but a new one would replace it. I couldn’t wait for pictures with Santa!

My little man is in the why phase, where everything is a question. As exhausting as this can be, there are few details he ever misses. When he started to question all the intricacies of Christmas, I knew seeing Santa would be quite the experience! He had it all planned out in his head, and even asked for role-playing experiences so he could nail telling Santa just what he wants for Christmas.

I was so excited to take him back to Santa HQ put on by HGTV. It’s more than just pictures with Santa, they make Santa pictures an entire experience you can enjoy from start to finish! HGTV’s Santa HQ adds a whole new dimension to the traditional family Santa Claus visit by guiding visitors through an immersive, interactive holiday extravaganza that uses state-of-the-art digital technology.

Santa HQ experience.


It’s a fun experience with traditional photo opportunities with Santa Claus and a variety of photo packages.

Pictures with Santa Near Me

If you’re wondering where pictures with Santa near me can be done, check out the Santa HQ locations. Also, to make life even easier and your Santa pictures even more fun, you can now select the date nad time of photo sessions and make a reservation online.

We were able to show up at our exact time and walk right in! From there we enjoyed having fun activities to do!

Santa HQ experience by HGTV.

The Elf Academy features a magic mirror where guests can transform into one of Santa’s elves and virtually try on various outfits. We had these pictures emailed, and they are so fun! We had our toddler make an Elf-ID filled with his elf information, play with Elf-Ray vision, watch a light show, help design and power up Santa’s sleigh, and lots more!

Santa HQ Experience

My favorite was the naughty and nice list. We all laughed at a 3-year-old anxiously awaiting his fate. The smile when his actual name appeared on the nice list was just too cute!

Visitors to Santa HQ will be able to enjoy the holiday spirit of giving through HGTV’s Help Through Holiday Giving Drive. The program encourages visitors to donate new, unwrapped toys for local children in need with the goal of collecting over 1,000 toys per center. I love the giving back spirit!

After we had all the fun experiences, it was time to meet Santa and get our Santa pictures!

Tips for visiting Santa at the mall.

This year he ran right up to Santa and gave him a hug. He immediately dove into the specifics of what he’d like and posed with a smile for pictures. Oh, how he’s grown up in one year! The only funny part was his disappointment when the request wasn’t immediately answered. He didn’t realize we still have several weeks until Christmas. Oh, how we laughed at his cute misconception of time!

Getting pictures with Santa at Santa HQ.

We’re still in love with our Santa HQ crying picture and consider it a true treasure! I guess if we miss it too much we can note that our baby wouldn’t see Santa and also cried. However, this smiling, happy boy who clearly articulated the one item he wants most with hope and a smile created pictures we’ll always treasure too!

Family pictures with Santa


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