Random Acts of Kindness Ideas for Random Acts of Kindness Week
Celebrate Random Acts of Kindness Week with your own RAK gestures! Here are 60 Random Acts of Kindness Ideas to help you spread some love!
National Kindness Day
The third week of February kicks off International Kindness Week. Mondy February 17th was National Kindness Day. If you missed it, don’t worry! It’s never too late to be kind, it applies every day of the year. But if you love national “days” to help you celebrate and encourage, you have all week!
Random Acts of Kindness List
We loved Random Acts of Kindness, also known as RAK. In fact, we’ve repeated a RAK date night twice! We loved the first time so much we couldn’t help turning it into a RAK double date. And would you believe it, we’ve had both dates go viral. There’s a lot of goodness in the world my friends, and so many people are looking for easy ways to be kind!
So if you need full random acts of kindness date night, here’s our first one. And Here’s an additional RAK date night. We also want to make sure you’re set this week to spread some love with a Random Acts of Kindness Ideas to spread some love!
60 Random Acts of Kindness Ideas
- Pay for a person behind in you line at a drive-through
- Leave a few quarters taped to candy vending machines
- tape a gift card to a restaurant door with a note that their meal is on you
- Buy someone’s groceries
- Buy someone else dinner or lunch
- Bring a friend their favorite drink
- Leave a bag of quarters at a laundromat with a note “This load’s on me!”
- Make someone’s day at the Target Dollar Spot leaving a few dollars behind.
- Buy a homeless person lunch.
- Ask a homeless person if they need anything. Get their name. Have Amazon Prime Now deliver the item to their location.
- Leave some popcorn to pop or sealed treats in a bag at a Redbox machine with a note to enjoy some snacks during their movie.
- Include money taped to a vending machine encouraging someone to enjoy a free treat today.
- Have flowers delivered to cheer someone up.
- Give flowers to a random stranger who looks like they could use it.
- Leave free car wash cards on windshields of cars that could use a good cleaning.
- Leave a police station some packs of Extra gum letting them know you appreciate the Extra hours they put in away from their families.
- Treat a nurse’s station with some thank you notes and treat for all they do for humankind.
- Make cookies and deliver them to someone who could use a pick-me-up.
- Leave a huge tip at a restaurant.
- Buy a movie ticket for a person behind you at a theater.
- Plan a surprise date night for you and your spouse.
- Plan a surprise date night for your parents to enjoy.
- Leave money in a book at a bookstore so someone looking can purchase the book.
RAK Ideas that are Free and Easy
- Pick up trash in a local park or communal area
- Give up your seat on the bus or subway to someone else
- Hold the door open for others
- Let someone skip ahead of you inline
- Return carts at the grocery store
- Write a letter or note thanking someone
- Give a sincere compliment
- Help accomplish a to-do item on someone’s list
- Take out your neighbor’s garbage can
- Tell someone at least three things you really love or admire about them.
- Leave a nice comment on your favorite blog or Instagram account letting them know you appreciate what they do or something you love about them.
- Mow a neighbor’s lawn.
- Donate unused items to women’s shelters.
- Leave a love note in a family member’s lunchbox
- Disinfect carts at the grocery store.
- Clean off your table if you eat in public.
- Go tell someone that they’re doing a good job (we love to do this at restaurants).
- Read your kids or nieces or nephews several stories of their choosing.
- Clean out old towels, blankets, and pillows and donate them to an animal shelter.
- Leave a body-positive note on a mirror in a dressing room
- Smile and say hello to five strangers today.
Celebrate Random Acts of Kindness Day
- Send a nice text to someone you haven’t spoken to in a long time.
- Find a former teacher on social media. Send them a thank you note in a message.
- Lookup a local service project at justserve.org and join in!
- Offer to babysit for a busy mom who could use a date night or even an hour to run an errand.
- Leave a recommendation on Linkedin for a coworker.
- Give a shoutout to a local small business online to help them with promotion.
- Leave a positive review online for a small business you love.
- Write nice messages in holiday cards and leave them at an assisted living center for patients to read on lonely days.
- Leave notes with kind messages in a store in common places people will read them.
- Clean a room in someone you know and love’s home for them.
- Willingly give up a great parking spot for someone else
- Tell your favorite coworker that you’re grateful for their friendship and that they make work a better place.
- Take your kids to the park at a time you don’t normally go.
- Let your kids have that one extra treat this one time.
- Call your parents and thank them for something specific they’ve done for you.
- Take the time to learn a janitor, doorman, or delivery person’s name and let them know they’re appreciated.
Like these RAK ideas? You may like these posts too:
Random Acts of Kindness: Teacher Edition
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Random Acts of Kindness Date: Part 2: And a Video!
Get 365 Date Ideas!

We want to help you have the best date nights ever! Grab this FREE printable with 365 date ideas, a date for every day of the year so you never run out of ideas!