Easy Ways to Show Your Child Love on Valentine’s Day
Of course we love to celebrate Valentine’s Day as a couple and share our love with a really romantic Valentine’s Day date idea. But, as our kids have grown, we’ve learned to love and share this holiday with them as well.
If you’re looking for easy ways to help your kids feel your love on the day of love, we have eight that work for kids of all ages!
Easy Ways to Show Your Child Love on Valentine’s Day
1. Give them a small gift.
As much as we try not to spoil our kids too much, Jacob and I were talking about what love looks like to kids. As much as I wish they knew all the behind the scenes clean up and prep and how my service shows love, kids usually take years to connect this. To them, love means snuggles and saying it out loud. It also means something they want magically shows up and makes them happy.
We opted to give our kids a book for Valentine’s Day with a small toy we know they’ll love. Our baby is getting new bath toys, because those things seem to grow mold the second you open them. We’re always needing a new set, so our youngest will receive one. He’s also getting a fun sing-song book called Red Truck I know he’ll love.
Our oldest will be delighted to find a replacement toy for one that’s mostly broken. He has loved Mater nearly to death (and he’s lost most of his parts!). He’ll also be excited to receive his favorite library book that we check out so often it was just time to add it to the home library.
2. Start the morning off with some love.
Heart shaped pancakes and some red or pink fruit go a long way! We’re often rushed in the morning, so I’ll make these the day before and we’ll toast them in the morning. A little “I love you” messaging with a special breakfast sets them up to feel loved all day. Particularly if you have an older child in school, this is an easy way for them to know someone loves them when they’re missing class parties and childhood fun.
3. Add a red or pink shirt to their wardrobe.
One of my best friends had this tradition growing up, and I was so jealous when we were roommates in college and a cute pink sweater arrived the day before Valentine’s Day. My three-year-old has a pink and blue striped shirt we bought last weekend. He’s so excited to get to wear it on the special day. Sometimes a new item, when you’re in the thick of winter (and wishing it was spring), is just a fun way to spread a little love.

Ways to Help Your Child Feel Loved on Valentine’s Day
4. Give a Valegram
This is for parents with older kids. But did you know most junior high and high schools do Valentine’s Day grams, aka Valegrams? You spend a few dollars to have a flower or treat delivered to them in class.
For kids who don’t get one, it can feel really lonely and isolating.
Instead of annoying the front office and dropping something big off, opt for a Valegram. They raise money for clubs. They make your kid feel special in a more subtle way. Also, they also don’t cost much or take much effort aside from a call to the school.
I’d highly recommend addressing from your biggest fan or something other than mom or dad. If you have a special code Make sure you don’t embarrass them but you also let them know they are loved.
5. Make dinner feel special.
I’ve found this doesn’t take a ton of effort. Make a red balloon tied to everyone’s chair. Maybe a special red or pink drink addition. There’s always heart shaped items at the one-spot you can add to feel like you decorated. If nothing else, a heart-shaped pizza is always fun.
We set out their Valentine’s Day present and intentionally add some red, pink, or heart-shaped items. It makes the meal feel really special without taking much time or expense.
6. Spend a few more minutes of quality time with them.
I’m so grateful for a mom who listened to me complain about “Single’s Awareness Day” in junior high. She spent the time to listen. I’m also grateful for a grandma who spent holidays playing a game with us. No matter how old she became, she was on the floor playing any board game of our choosing.
A few minutes of building a puzzle, doing Valentine’s crafts, listening to their day, and just being present with a reminder that you love them can make their whole day!
7. Share why you love each other.
I’m a fan of words of affirmation, and starting them young! I try to tell my kids why I love them and special things that make them a wonderful person. We’ll go around the dinner table and say at least one thing we really like/love about each other. It’s fun to hear what others say. And hey, when they turn into bad-attitude teenagers they will already be in this habit and know it’s coming!
8. Add an extra treat to their day.
I know many kids get candy at class parties, but several schools are asking for non-candy treats. Also, if you have younger or older kids, a treat can make their whole day! My mom always bakes a special heart-shaped treat for my dad on Valentine’s Day that has significance to their relationship. It’s become something we look forward to and many of her adult children still like to swing by on Valentine’s Day.
It can be as simple as a candy or a donut, or something you bake. Treats often mean love to any sugar-loving kid of any age.
Do you have any Valentine’s Day traditions you do with kids? I’d love to hear what you do to show your child love, big or small. What’s something that helps kids feel some love on Valentine’s Day?
Photos: 13GB Photography
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