7th Wedding Anniversary Pictures: Part 2
We love taking wedding anniversary pictures on our anniversary each year to document our lives and to capture growing old together. Sharing wedding anniversary picture ideas, and some of our favorites!
Why We Love Wedding Anniversary Pictures
Anniversaries are always fun: celebrating love, celebrating family, and realizing another year together. We absolutely love booking a photo shoot around our anniversary each year to document the year. We’ve always had this plan to make a wall in our home of our family growing up and growing old together with each year’s pictures. Our 7th wedding anniversary pictures were just so fun to do!
If you missed our happy anniversary pictures for year #7 Part 1, you can check it out here!
7th Wedding Anniversary Pictures
We’ve been blessed with 7 years together since we tied the knot, and I’m always amazed how each year seems to pass by more and more quickly as time goes on! It’s also been really fun to take a picture with us holding our wedding picture each year and realize how much we’ve aged. I know the 7th anniversary isn’t all that many, but I think we’ll appreciate this all the more the older we get and the larger the contrast to the wedding picture.
Documenting Year #7 Together
Normally we take pictures with signs documenting the 5-7 most noteworthy happens of the year. It’s the perfect way to pull together wedding anniversary pictures and remember the year! Let’s blame pregnancy brain, but I somehow completely forgot the chalkboard this year! I was a little bummed the next day when I realized it. But, ultimately it’s the fun shoot that matters and I thought we could share them here on the blog and just pretend I’m not that spacy pregnant lady that I actually am.
Highlights of Year #7 Together
- We found out about baby #2! We were getting ready to do IVF, and the week we had a doctor’s appointment for Jacob to be screened we found out we’d miraculously conceived on our own! A true miracle for two people who waited and worked years to get baby #1!
- It’s a boy! We found out we’re adding another little man to the mix. As much as we’d love to have a girl, the built in best buddy and ability to reuse all our first child’s clothes has us pretty thrilled. Plus we love our little man, we’ll gladly take another one!
- Jacob worked abroad for almost four months. He got to come home several weekends, but we spent our first time apart as a family. It was rough, it was hard, it wasn’t how we planned it. The Zika risk sending me to Mexico City wasn’t something we could do trying to have a baby. But we all lived, Jacob has a really amazing thing on his resume, and there’s a lot of frequent flyer points built up for a fun trip or two in year #8!
4. We went to Germany, Austria, and Switzerland. It’s been on my bucket list for years to visit the area. We’ve always wanted to visit the Bavarian country and learn more history. It was truly the most beautiful place with such a wonderful experience. We did this trip as an entire family shortly before I was pregnant. The memories and pictures we’ll always cherish!
5. We discovered a love for Disneyland and went twice. We knew it was fun and we really liked Disneyland, but we had no clue how much we’d fall in love going as parents. Our two-year-old was so funny and excited the entire time. It was truly magic for him, and we laughed until we cried. It was so much fun we booked another trip for my birthday. All family birthdays had Disney magic added to them this year. Something we’d love to do again next year!
6. We started our first home rennovations on our new home. We loved our house when we bought it, but we’ve never fully decorated or made it our own. We started changing that with some built-in shelves, some new furniture and plans to rennovated more areas in the year to come.
I’m sure grateful for this little family of mine! I’m sure grateful we survived the hard parts of year #7, and even more grateful for the wonderful memories made. I love my husband more every year, and I’m glad wedding anniversary #7 was another reminder how lucky we are to have each other!
Photos were taken by Let me See You Sparkle Photo
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