Anniversary #4 Photo Shoot: Part 2
The big announcement delayed this post a few days, and I can hardly wait to get it up!
We take pictures every anniversary in hopes to one day build a wall of pictures in our home watching our family grow old and change together. We do a casual outfit and a more formal one for each. I shared the casual outfit last week, and I’m so happy to share the formal today!
Anniversary #4 Photo Shoot
I love our friend and photographer Annie, she brought all the props and we just showed up! She has an eye for making everything look beautiful and styles shoots on a whim. She’s also hilarious so she captures the most authentic smiles and laughs the whole time! Seriously, the perfect person to capture anniversary #4!

I love that this dress did a pretty great job hiding the pregnancy at 12 weeks! I also love this custom suit of Jacob’s, BEST.PURCHASE.EVER!

We are five layers deep on this now that we’re on anniversary #4- pretty cool!

Nothing like a vintage selfie!

What I love most about these shoots is that Annie always find a way to capture a moment we’ve shared an inside joke/done something awkward and just can’t stop laughing. She always sends one and it comes as a surprise every year! I love that she captures our relationship informal and candid ways every single year! I treasure these pictures most of all!

These are adorable!
Awe you guys look so cute, I love the retro look