Stargazing Date Night: Meteor Shower Stargazing
A stargazing date is a free, and romantic date night. Everything you need to know to plan and execute a romantic stargazing date night.
Stargazing Date Info:
Price: Free (but you may want to budget a few dollars for snacks)
Location: Outside of the city away from any lights
Time: 2–4 hours total- 1 hour drive outside of town, 2 hours to stargaze, 1 hour drive back

How to Enjoy a Stargazing Date Night
Start by downloading Google Sky. You can use this on your cell phone or a tablet for optimal viewing. Gaze up at the stars and point your device camera up toward the sky. It will reveal constellations, and planets, and guide you through your stargazing experience like a personal tour guide.
From there we witness the beauty of the night sky. It’s particularly awesome when a meteor shower is taking place.

This usually leads to some pretty deep conversations, lots of quality time, and a desire to make out like teenagers.

Which really, are there three greater things you can glean from a free, romantic date?

Like this stargazing date night idea? Be sure to check out these posts too:
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Aww this is cute!! I've always wanted to do this!!