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52 Completely Free Date Ideas to Do this Year

Looking for free date night ideas that you’ll actually love doing? Here are 52 completely free date ideas that cost you a penny!

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Sometimes you just need proof that love don’t cost a thing. And there’s nothing wrong with realizing you don’t have the budget to go out. That definitely shouldn’t stop you! Free date ideas are everywhere, and there are plenty of good ones no matter where you live. We’re here to help with your next fun-free date!

Good free date ideas can be hard to come by, but I promise we’ve compiled lots of awesome date nights you’ll both love! These totally free date ideas are sure to please, and won’t cost you a penny!

52 Completely Free Date Ideas to Do this Year

  1. Attend a First Friday Museum Night.
    Almost every museum offers at least one free night a month. It’s often the first Friday. Check out your local Science, Art, etc. museums for those open-late free nights.
  2. Go Stargazing.
    Download Google Earth, grab an air mattress, and head 20 minutes outside of town for a romantic night
  3. Create a couple’s bucket list.
    Even if you don’t have a budget for date night tonight, spend time brainstorming some cheap dates you can do in the near future.
  4. Plan a Dream Vacation.
    Head to the travel section of a bookstore and do some research for a dream trip. Plan out where you’ll go and what you’ll do while you’re there.
  5. Build a romantic fort in your living room and watch a movie.
    I mean Netflix and chill get a fun makeover when you build a romantic blanket fort and prepare to binge watch some movies together.
    A fun alternative is a tent in the living room date.
  6. Go for a hike.
    A hiking date night is a surprising way to turn up the romance without spending a cent! Choose walking friendly trails and don’t forget some flashlights. Pack a picnic dinner date or some drinks and a snack and enjoy a little exercise with some hand-holding.
  7. Movies in the Park.
    This is such a fun way to have a movie night that feels like you got to go to a backyard theater. Check your local city websites, outdoor community areas, and outdoor malls for offerings. And don’t forget to pack the blankets, popcorn, and some drinks to really enjoy this fun date night!
  8. Planetarium night.
    Spend a night learning about the constellations and solar system for your next date night. Most planetariums offer a free night once a month. And many community colleges put these on for free as well.
  9. First Friday Art Walk.
    A downtown classic showcasing local artwork and vendors. Couple holding hands walking together on a date night.

    Free Date Night Ideas

  10. Read The 5 Love Languages and discuss what you can better do to help each other feel loved.
    If you don’t own it check it out from the library, borrow it from a friend, or look up passages online. It’s a great way to spend quality time (and learn more about quality time!) from the comfort of your couch.
  11. Go test drive fancy new cars you have no intention of buying.
    Seriously, it only takes a license to test drive your dream car.
  12. Head to IKEA and reenact the 500 Days of Summer date.
    Spend some time coming up with a hypothetical situation for each room in the showroom. Or, if you’re less adventurous, just walk through the maze that is IKEA and try to find your way out.
  13. Listen to a few TEDx talks at home, and discuss intellectually or not so intellectually after.
    This is one of those cerebral dates easy for married couples with kids to do as an at-home date after the kids go to bed.
  14. Attend a local TEDx conference
  15. Pack dinner up into a picnic and head to a scenic location for a romantic sunset picnic
  16. Check out a free museum pass from your library.
    Locally ours are called a Culture Pass. They get you 2 free admissions to one of 17 local museums in the Phoenix metro.
  17. Watch a bunch of funny YouTube videos at home.
    I have several channels already created with funny, clean clips here on FridayWereInLove.com
  18. Hit up a piano bar and sing along (be sure to check for a free night).
  19. Look up massage techniques and give each other massages at home.
    Who said you have to spend a ton on a couples massage? It makes a great free romantic date night!
  20. Find a free concert night.
    Check with local restaurants, city websites, and outdoor malls for free concert nights. 
    52 Totally Free Date Ideas: Free non-cheesy, creative date ideas: A Free Date Idea to do Every Week of the Year proving love don't cost a thing!

    Fun Free Date Ideas 

  21. Try geocaching.
    This date is such a winner for adventurous couples that don’t want to spend a penny! You just find and download a geocaching app and get set for an adventure treasure hunting.
  22. Find a volunteer opportunity and go do some good together!
  23. Have a movie marathon at home
  24. Hit up a bunch of open houses and explore several homes together
  25. Take a long walk on the beach, or lake, or whatever scenery in your town moves you. It’s one of the classics for a reason!
  26. Play board games together.
    We love a good game night for two. But a couple’s game night makes a great double date or group date night too!
  27. Google “Walmart Bingo” and choose a board to print.
    Then head over to play the most entertaining game of bingo of your life!
  28. Attend an open mic night at a local coffee shop.
    You may hear some poetry readings or a stand-up comedy routine. Sometimes local musicians use these as a chance to play. It’s always an experience, and it can be totally free or buy only coffee or herbal tea for one of my favorite cheap dating ideas.
  29. During the holidays go see Christmas lights.
    Look up the best neighborhoods for lights in your area and enjoy a free show!
  30. During the holidays go watch fireworks.
    On the 4th of July, New Year’s Eve, and many local city festivals shoot of fireworks to celebrate. You get bonus points for planning a romantic date that you don’t have to spend a penny on.

    Date Ideas That Don’t Cost Money

  31. Find a horror movie to play on a laptop in a creepy outdoor location.
    It’s like your own mini drive-in movie without having to buy a ticket.
  32. Find a new neighborhood you’ve never been to and explore it together.
  33. Attend a high school sporting event.
    Take a walk down memory lane and support your old high school, or your local high school.
  34. Go to https://www.geoguessr.com/ and take turns guessing where Google has pin-dropped you by looking at street views in Google Earth.
    It keeps track of points based on how close you are in miles to the actual location!
  35. Explore a farmer’s market or flea market.
    These are excellent for window shopping and people-watching.
  36. Go for a bike ride
  37. Visit the murals in your city and snap some Instagram-able pictures on your mural tour
  38. Attend a trivia night together.
    Find a local library, restaurant, or bar that hosts trivia nights and go enjoy a free gameshow.
  39. Play a pick-up game of basketball at a local park.
    Or if you have pickleball paddles, enjoy this fun trending date.
  40. Do a puzzle together.  52 Totally Free Date Ideas: Free non-cheesy, creative date ideas: A Free Date Idea to do Every Week of the Year proving love don't cost a thing!

    Free Dates Ideas

  41. Hit up a thrift store and pick out the perfect outfits for each other to try on from the last four decades. Be sure to have a photoshoot.
  42. Eat as many samples as possible at Costco.
    I mean it’s the poor man’s wine tasting, and you might as well get your snack on for free.
  43. Go sledding.
  44. Play video games together.
    We love to play the Wii together, and since we own one it’s free! If you don’t own a game console borrow one. Or invite yourselves over to a double date and get on a fun group game like Mario Kart.
  45. Play strip chess.
    I mean why not make it extra interesting?
  46. Make a time capsule out of random items in your home that reflect this year.
  47. Create TikTok movies together.
    There’s always a trending skit, dance, or audio to put your own spin on. Use TikTok like a dance class and get ready to shoot your own movie together.
  48. Make out in as many different locations as possible in two hours.
  49. People watch at a crowded location.
    You won’t believe how fun it can be just to watch people get on the metro.
  50. Hit up a karaoke night.
  51. Attend a Home Depot workshop together.
    Why not learn some home improvement skills while you enjoy a date night?
  52. Head to a bookstore and find and share a few of your favorite books from all decades of your life.
    We also love to go find a new recipe or two to try from a new to us cookbook.

We’d love to hear, have you been a completely free date night that you just adored? Is there anything missing from our list? Let us know in the comments if you have a fun free date idea you highly recommend. Everyone can always use more cash, more fun, more love, and more date nights in their life!


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Get 365 Date Ideas!

We want to help you have the best date nights ever! Grab this FREE printable with 365 date ideas, a date for every day of the year so you never run out of ideas!

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  1. There are some great ones on the list! One that I would recommend was the date my brother and his girlfriend did as their first date ever. I thought it was adorable! It was spring and they went “toothpick racing”. They coloured one toothpick red and one green and then they went and found puddles that were flowing and raced their toothpicks through the puddles to see who would win! Totally silly but they ended up falling in love over it. 😊

  2. These are awesome! We live in a small town so some of these are not possible but I love what you shared. Thanks