Mirror Maze at the Arizona Science Center
Looking for a fun family activity or date night that you’ll all enjoy? A mirror maze is a great idea, and the mirror maze at the Arizona Science Center is definitely one you’ll want to check out!
Mirror Maze Date Info:
For several days now we’ve had our two-year-old ask us “Is today an adventure day?” I have no clue where he got it. Probably some tv show, book, or friend I didn’t pay enough attention to. It’s pretty darling. It’s also one of those mom-guilt moments realizing just how little this kid gets out of the house.
We had a mom-and-me adventure at least once a week before I got pregnant. And this pregnancy has left me so sick and now so big and ready to pop that it’s been hard to get out. Luckily he’s a patient kid, and luckily he has a dad and nanny with lots of energy. We decided on the 4th of July when we were stuck in the hot Phoenix metro unable to travel, we’d make it adventure day and head to the new mirror maze exhibit at the Arizona Science Center.
AZ Science Center Mirror Maze
It is a really cool exhibit! It’s definitely the perfect family date when you’re looking for an adventure day. I felt like we got through pretty quickly, but to a kid, it feels like a really big confusing maze. Our little guy had one breakdown and we had to explain to him that getting lost was the point. And it was fun! That and a mint mom had in the diaper bag later made him calm right down.
Our funny part to this family date was the realization after we got out of the maze that I’m just about full-term, and I could technically go into labor at any time. Maybe getting lost in a maze wasn’t our best idea this far along. We joked about all the dates we could go on that wouldn’t be so fun to have your water break on. It made for an even more entertaining experience!
Mirror Maze Phoenix
There’s a permanent Mirror Maze in Phoenix at Arizona Boardwalk. But The Phoenix Science Center hosts a great laser mirror maze as a special exhibit.
And every kid really enjoyed the quest through the mirror maze. It’s great for big kids and little kids alike!
We really had so much fun though! The adventure date was enhanced by the binoculars my friend’s son generously gave us during a play date last week. They haven’t left our little guy’s hands since! I couldn’t stop laughing at him peering around the corners of the maze and checking out each area with binoculars.
The Arizona Science Center Special Exhibits
Since we were on limited time with a holiday and a nap schedule, we only got to spend a little bit of time at the Arizona Science Center. We saw a few exhibits and demonstrations. It’s definitely a place we’ll be back to explore on a family date!
The exploring that did happen was such a hit, how could we not?
Hooray for a few last experiences as a family of three! Hooray for a really fun day together in a really fun mirror maze. Finally, and most of all, hooray for no water breaking while being stuck in the middle of a mirror maze!
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