Natural History Museum Mesa Family Date
Arizona Museum of Natural History Date Info:
Date: Natural History Museum Mesa family date (AKA the Arizona Dinosaur Museum)
Dinosaur Museum in Arizona
A random piece of trivia about me: My dad grew up in a small town on the Utah/Colorado border that happens to be one of the dinosaur capitols of the world. Dinosaur Museums in Utah are extra cool, there’s just so much to see! Dinosaur Museums in Vernal, Utah are extra amazing, and something I went to quite frequently as a little girl.
Consequently, dinosaurs were something I always had a lot of interest in. I’m a nerdy adult who sometimes corrects mislabeled dinosaur species on toys or signs, and Jacob thinks it’s hilarious.
Imagine my delight when my two-year-old took up with dinosaurs the past couple of months. Dino shirts, dino toys, dino books, and anything he can get his hands on to learn about dinos has been his jam.
We knew a dinosaur museum in Arizona needed to happen for our next family date.
Arizona Museum of Natural History
First of all, I was so thrilled to discover the Arizona Museum of Natural History in the East Valley. It’s right in the heart of downtown Mesa. And, you’d never know what a gem you’re about to visit from the outside.
When we stepped foot on the main floor I was instantly impressed. Most noteworthy, there’s an impressive amount of dinosaur bones to see! There’s also a really cool robotic display that the Arizona Republic contributed. My son loved watching the different dinosaurs move around on the wall. Additionally, he loved reciting the species of each of the dinos: be still my parenting heart!
Also, the kid’s science museum feel and exhibits are super impressive! There is a section on the planets. There are lots of exhibits on natural history including geology and native American settlings in Arizona. It was a place we easily spent a few hours in, and our little guy adored it.
Natural History Museum Mesa
The hands-on activities are super impressive! There are a lot of them at the Natural History Museum Mesa. There were puzzles in all shapes and sizes. Our kid loves puzzles right now, and there were so many different types to enjoy!
There were areas that quizzes information on dinosaurs with interactive displays. It was equal educational and hands-on. That always makes for great learning opportunities, and for a lot of fun! I loved watching him enjoy all the activities.
But most of all, I love that this Arizona Museum of Natural History is a place families can enjoy together. Also, it’s a great place for a couple’s date. Jacob and I would have enjoyed this alone. But we extra enjoyed watching a giddy little boy run from dinosaur to dinosaur and want to learn more!
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