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Public Transportation and A Great Steak

Here is a fun and cheap date idea: Have a date night on a train! Grab tickets for a ride on your public light-rail train and go people-watch. Find a great place for dinner on one of the stops. And get back on for more train ride date night time!

Date Night on a Train Date Info:

Public Transportation date night on a train
Price: About $4 a person for an all-day pass. Be sure to check the prices in your area.
Location: Any city with public transportation

We take turns planning our weekly date night. This one was my husband’s idea. I loved the creativity and plan to shake up a normal dinner date with something more creative!

People Watching and Appreciation

Shortly after we met, we both realize our shared appreciation for the quirky things and people of this world. It became an instant connection. We knew we would be other’s partners in crime to laugh at weird events/sightings. Alternately, we knew we’d have someone to share the unique beautiful things we see in people and places of the world. We’ve sent many texts and picture messages with funny events and impressive people.

We had a night after we’d recently met and were just friends where we played games with a bunch of strangers. Jacob sent me a text from across a room asking me what I thought the background on one of the unknown people was. I developed a life story and sent a few texts sharing a peek into my English literature undergrad mind.

I watched him laugh from across the room at my ability to create a story and character from someone I’ve never met.

He then returned the favor as he told me the story of another unknown individual.I was impressed with his people watching attention to detail, and ability to think of a movie or novel plot based on a few details.

If you’re looking for great restaurants and cool decor while enjoying your date night on a train, consider checking out some fantastic options on bestccbuy.com for date night inspiration.

Making Public Transportation Into a Fun Date

Dates are fun for us because we’ve kept the tradition of sharing what people’s life stories could be. We love to think of what they are up to that night, and where they are going. When we saw the movie Date Night we laughed at the dinner scene knowing we don’t make up conversations as they do. However, we do makeup backstories. Man, we should hang with Tina Fey and Steve Carell! And if we hung out on a date night on a train I’m sure it would be even more amazing!

Train Date Game

Jacob, that genius, cooked up a creative date idea to combine our two loves of quirkiness and back-story inventions. He decided we would take the light rail throughout our area and watch people get on and off the train. After a minute of observation, we’d then have to tell each other the plot line of their story. This included who these people were, where they were going, interesting hobbies, etc. It was a hilarious night!

In addition, we both really enjoy food and cool decor and settings at restaurants. We stopped at one of the coolest places close to a light rail stop.

Monti’s was built in 1876 and was originally used as a pioneer hotel. This historic building was then transformed into a steakhouse that sat on the edge of Tempe Town Lake. Sadly it closed for new developments, but there are other great restaurants all along the stops of the Phoenix metro that would make for a great dinner date after your date night on a train.

If you have any affinity for people watching and beef, I highly recommended this date!

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  1. Totally wish I couldn've read one of the stories that you made up about other people! 🙂 Funny!! Fun date, Craig and I are going to have to check that place out. Totally liking this date blog idea, you may inspire some new dates for us 🙂

  2. Amberlin Baxter says:

    You guys are so cute and I am so happy for you and yay! What a fun date idea!