Summer Plans: Tips for Scheduling and Planning with Free Printable
Let’s get those summer plans on the calendar with this free summer schedule calendar + tips for making summer plans happen!
We’re gearing up for summer break in our home, and getting all our summer plans together! I love using our 150 Summer Activities for Kids free printable to help plan all the fun! But if my career as a project manager taught me anything, it’s the need to put everything you want to and need to have happen on the calendar. It’s just a wish until it’s an actual plan!
Grab Your Free Summer Plan Printable Here
We’ve been sharing lots of help to make this the best summer yet in our Camp Mom series. Today is all about looking at those summer plans and putting together a schedule with the help of a free printable.
We’re talking big picture plans and making sure you have a few systems in order and a roadmap to make everything you want and need to have happen come together for you this summer!
Tips for Scheduling Summer Plans
Get the Big Things on Calendar First
I love looking at our summer at a glance free printable and blocking out the big things first. It helps me fit in everything else!
Block Out Vacation Time
If you know you’re going to be gone, get that on your summer at a glance calendar first. That allows you to avoid scheduling issues, and plan ahead. If you’re going to cancel any lessons or appointments, you know well in advance!
Put Lessons/Camps/Programs on the Calendar
Do you have kids taking piano? Doing an online course? Maybe you’re registered for a science camp or swim lessons. Whether it’s weekly, for a week of the summer, or once a month, you’ll want to get those things on the calendar next.
Come Up with Your Summer Routine and Set Weekly Summer Schedule Themes
I shared a whole post about creating a summer schedule for kids by creating a summer routine. I highly recommend reading it and grabbing the free download! They really help make summer plans easy!
But essentially we’re all about a “Theme Day” for each day of the week. Like setting fun Friday where you leave the house and go somewhere fun. It helps you and your kids plan your work, your home time, your social time, etc.
After you get a feel for how lessons/camps/programs take up your time, it’s much easier to find windows of time for set themes. These themes make a huge difference in helping everything gets done and everyone feels included!Making Your Summer Plans Happen
Build-in Downtime
As much as we all want to go and do all the things, it’s important to add in some balance. Choose a day you’re staying home. Plan quiet time as part of your routine. Make sure you have a great mix of plans and activities so no one burns out and there’s plenty to look forward to!
Account for Chores and Projects
Make sure there’s some time for chores and projects. We like to deep clean rooms and closets at least once during the summer. I also love to build in a day we go through clothes and assess needs before the back-to-school shopping season.
Make sure you and your kids have a few set hours each week to tackle chores and projects. -
Color Coding Saves Sanity
I love to put the things that can’t be moved with a big red circle around them. Anything that’s flexible I write in colored pencils or erasable colored pens. If it’s an event, it’s nice to have a color block that off. If it’s something you’d like to do, choose another color. It helps you see where you can and can’t change any plans.
Be Flexible
Know some things will change. There will be days kids may not earn an outing or fun activity. Work can take over even the best of plans. Sometimes something has to be moved. Flexibility is the key to making sure everything you want to have happen this summer still happens!
I’m excited for you to make this summer the best yet, and I know a little summer plan is the key to it!
Like this post? You may like these ideas too:
150+ Summer Activities for Kids with Free Activity List Download!
Chore List for Kids: Chores for Toddler and Preschoolers
Summer Schedule for Kids with Free Printable
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