Home » Date Ideas » 12 Months of Dates: April: Beauty and the Beast the Broadway Musical

12 Months of Dates: April: Beauty and the Beast the Broadway Musical

Beauty and the Beast the Broadway Musical: a review and our thoughts on why Beauty and the Beast on Tour makes for a great date night!
Remember when I gave Jacob 12 Months of Dates for Christmas? You may have forgotten because we somehow missed February and March! Marathon training and then a lot of busy Saturdays ruined these for us, but we have every intention to go back and do these dates in the upcoming month!
Luckily April was a date that went on our calendar very early, and was one we were very excited about! Neither of us had the opportunity to see Broadway musicals as kids or teenagers, so this is something we are very much enjoying as adults. We’ve now seen Phantom of the Opera, Wicked, and Les Miserables together,  and April’s date included adding another to our list.
Beauty and the Beast tickets.

Beauty and the Beast the Musical Gift

I had seen most of the other musicals before Jacob was in my life, and got to enjoy them a 2nd (or 4th time in Wicked’s case) with Jacob. This time was extra exciting since it was a first for both of us! I’d heard great things about Beauty and the Beast, and I definitely enjoyed this as one of my favorite childhood Disney movies.

What I Wore to See Beauty and the Beast


If you follow me on Instagram you know I often try rollers for nicer events and then get dressed with whatever look my hair/type of curls decides to go with. Vintage was Les Mis, refined curls at Wicked, and this time I was shocked to see big bombshell curls.

So I did what anyone would do trying to dress to match these curls. I found the one whimsical dress I own. I should add is only in my life thanks to some serious convincing by my younger sister. She convinced me people need more than gray pencil skirts and blue button-up shirts. I looked at my curls and grabbed that hot pink clothing item (yes it stands out in my closet like you wouldn’t believe). I decided that the bombshell look at a Disney Broadway musical would have to somehow work.

Beauty and the Beast Traveling production.
Beauty and the Beast Traveling production.


Beauty and the Beast Musical

Sometimes it’s hard to decide which Broadway shows to see with the traveling companies. However, this is one we’d HIGHLY recommend! There wasn’t a weak voice in the cast! The Beast had one amazing voice and was surprisingly funny, Belle was gorgeous, talented, funny, and looked just like the Disney princess in real life. Gaston was someone born for that role- insanely buff and had quite the voice! Everything was really great, and it’s one I think audiences of all ages can really enjoy.
Beauty and the Beast on Tour.
And even if musicals aren’t your thing, the many little girls dressed in Belle’s yellow dress made the night even more fun. It was a great date, and a great musical I think we’ll gladly go to again!

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  1. I just found your blog, and I must say I love your date ideas! How cute and fun. Also, where did you get that adorable pink dress? Love it!

  2. A Mom's Take says:

    What a great date idea!!

  3. You look AWESOME in that dress! Actually you both look pretty fantastic. How fun!

  4. The pink was an excellent choice! The 3rd photo of you guys in front of the sign (where you're standing together on the same side) looks like you should be in a magazine. I don't know if people still say “handsome couple” but….handsome couple.

  5. Becca Lund says:

    I love this dress! You definitely are a bombshell!
    You are so lucky that you have a hubby that will go to stuff like this! Josh, not in a million years!!! (did I use enough exclamation points in my comment yet? ha!)

  6. Courtney B says:

    I would LOVE to go to this musical! How fun! And such a good lookin' couple! You both looked GREAT!

  7. You two look so cute! Love your dress!

  8. I really wanted to see Wicked when they came to ASU but I had read reviews that the venue was outdated and the mics would go out and you couldn't hear some of the actors. Since the tickets are pricey for us I decided to not go and wait to one day see them in NY. How do you feel about the venue?? Any of the above true?? Is it really worth seeing shows there??

  9. Chrissy Delacy says:

    Curly hair and a button up 🙂