Home » Year of Dates » 12 Months of Dates: January- Barrett Jackson Car Show

12 Months of Dates: January- Barrett Jackson Car Show

We are loving starting up our 2nd year of The 12 Months of Dates! This last week we were able to go on our January date to the Barrett Jackson car show.

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Barrett Jackson Car Show

Date Idea: Barrett Jackson Car Show
Location: Scottsdale, AZ
Price: $25-$40 per person, depending on what date and time you go
Time: Plan about 3 hours to see the cars
Website: There’s info on all their shows and tickets here
Tip: Go early! Cars are sold at auction and there’s more to see and experience earlier in the week

This date had special meaning to us. We were friends for eight months before we started officially dating. Even though we hung out a lot before we dated, it was a really big deal when we hit six months and started going out alone on actual dates.

I’m old-fashioned and believe the guy should ask out the girl a few times before she asks him. Jacob had asked me out just enough to make me feel comfortable taking the lead. As a result, I made the bold move and asked him out for the first time after about a month of Jacob making the effort solo. Barrett Jackson was a big turning point date where we were touchy and flirty for the first time. It was the first time we realized the other person was really interested.

We were officially dating pretty fast after this date, and it’s always been a great memory for us. It was just time to go again!

A year of dates gift to the Barrett Jackson Car show date.

What is the Barrett Jackson Car Show? 

Barrett Jackson is an amazing experience for any car lover (ehem most husbands). There’s a tent where many automotive makers showcase their new models. It’s pretty cool to see the latest features and designs on luxury, sport, and regular cars alike.

Cars at the Barrett Jackson Car show date.

That part is definitely cool but isn’t the main attraction. There are lots of vintage cars that have been fully restored. These cars go up for auction on selected dates and times of the week. The cars are nothing short of amazing and the details on each are really quite remarkable!

Vintage cars lined up a car show.
Date night to the Barrett Jackson Car show.
Vintage police car at car show.
Vintage bus at Barrett Jackson Car show.

We really enjoyed walking the lot and looking at all the vintage models. I had a lot of fun, but this was definitely a date for my car-living husband who grew up with a dad who owned a body shop.
This was my view for a good portion of the date.

Rows of vintage cars at Barrett Jackson.

I read once that women are attracted to rounder cars, and choose cars mostly based on color. Guilty. We realized I definitely have a type.

Favorite cars at the Barrett Jackson Car show date.

(shades of turquoise, how I love you!)

Jacob just appreciates the art in general.

Favorite cars at Barrett Jackson Car show.

The Car Auction

One of the truly cool things we did was go watch the auction. I don’t think we were supposed to be on the ground floor with the bidders. However, we walked in confidently and no one questioned us. Consequently, we were able to get a close-up view of what the auctioning looks like and just how intense this process is!

Auction at Barrett Jackson Car show.

There was extra caution taken not to raise hands or make any sudden movements during this speculation.

It was a great time looking at cars and reminiscing about our first date at the auction with all the happy memories it brought back. And any time you can score points with your husband and still have a blast is a great date in my book.

Suns Game hand stamps.

And I wrote about The Batmobile as a joke, but guess what, it was there and it sold for a record amount!

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  1. Naomi Champy says:

    Like you, I'm also guilty. Most women base their liking to the color of a car but men really inspect and appreciate every detail when it comes to cars. It's fun going to car shows with your special someone because you get to know what they like and you get to see their eyes sparkle when they see awesome cars… like a kid at a candy store.

    Naomi Champy

  2. Well, for me, going to a car event like this is probably one of the best things that a couple could enjoy! I’m sure about that, especially when both of you are fond of cars! 😉 When my husband and I were dating, we used to go to car shows. Mostly of them were vintage car shows. It was really fun, and even now, we still go to such events. 🙂

    Nicole Vickers

  3. Pretty awesome car show! It looks like you guys enjoyed yourselves. Women usually don't care about the specs and/or performance of a car but they do care about the color, style, and if there's gonna be a vanity mirror in front. Haha! Unlike men, if they're going to buy a car, they check every tidbit of information regarding it. Soon, I'll ask my husband to come with me to a car show and we'll have fun like you.

    Vannessa Gabbett

  4. He's good at details like that! This man thinks through everything he does 🙂

  5. It really is so fun isn't it!

  6. This DOES look like fun. And I like how Jacob's red stamp is on the inside of his wrist like a tattoo.

  7. I took my hubby and Dad to a Barrett Jackson car show. It was such a blast!