Emperor’s New Groove Costume
Our Emperor’s New Groove Costume reveal with all the details to pull off an Emperor’s New Groove Halloween costume yourself!
Postpartum Halloween Costume Woes
When Halloween hits one month postpartum it can be a bit rough! I was ready to forgo our normal creativity and just skip out on our favorite holiday party like a Scrooge. We had more drama this year than you could imagine! I was seriously barely even showering at this point postpartum. Consequently, pulling together costumes without being able to leave the house seemed impossible.
I had almost no clothes that fit me or were nursing friendly. I knew I had a lot to pull together without time or resources. We had one idea, and I couldn’t find the right-sized costume for a newborn anywhere online. Then we had another, and I found one I thought would work (size newborn), and ordered it, only to have it show up 12 months instead of newborn size.
I was going to borrow some friend’s stuff and it should have all worked out easily. We found out one of our darling hosts were going to be our plan B. I had to laugh that our friends had already loaned their amazing stuff. Seriously, I doubted we’d be in costume this year at this point.
Pulling Together Our Family Costume
I decided to try one more time. It forced me to mix it up and get creative with a plan C. This was all before I knew our baby’s costume was way too big! It came, and I almost decided to call it quits after one more hurdle.
Then the sewing bug bit and I sewed a furry costume only to decide it was too big and the same as what I’d ordered. Good news, he’s set for next year! I honestly felt so sad, my 2nd thought the day I saw a positive pregnancy test (after my first being what the due date would be) was, “What will I dress this baby for Halloween?!?” I think half the reason you have a baby is to dress it in something darling for Halloween! And here I was days before stumped.
As we got closer I couldn’t come up with family costumes for the life of me, then under pressure, I came up with about 10 family-themed ideas to work with a newborn. Time was limited, so I had to get resourceful.
I’m so grateful pressure hit because it blossomed my creativity! It forced me to work fast and on the cheap. Luckily, I was able to borrow a brilliant costume my sister made a few years ago that worked with a dress I could make work. I am pleased with the outcome! I haven’t seen this family theme before so I felt pretty original and I’m still in shock it came together!
Emperor’s New Groove Costume
Emperor’s New Groove Costume: Kronk, Yzma, and Bucky the Squirrel
Behold, The Emperor’s New Groove family costume! My mom is a talented seamstress and saved us last minute!
We opted to go with a Kronk and Yzma costume as the basis for the Disney couple’s costume.
Bucky the Squirrel Costume
My mom took in the bear costume to be a smaller size. I sewed a stripe on the hat. Then, together we sewed a giant stuffed tail to create Bucky the Squirrel.
Yzma Halloween Costume
I owe the entire Yzma costume idea to my sister who still had several of the costume items on hand. She’s the perfect Disney villain costume! And it’s not too hard to pull together your own DIY Yzma costume with a few key pieces and one can of spray paint.
Here’s everything you need to pull off a Yzma costume:
- A black wrap dress
- a lab coat
- a sash
- A matching teal headband (We used the sash fabric)
- spray painted goggles
- black rubber gloves
- large pink earrings
- purple face paint
- and a water bottle to prop up hair.
Yzma Costume Tips:
- Dilute the paint and/or mix white face paint and purple face paint to achieve a faint purple glow.
- Don’t skip spray painting Yzma’s goggles black- it makes a huge difference!
- Use an empty water bottle and place it on top of your head. Bend upside down and cover the water bottle with your hair. Tie with a hair elastic around the bottle top. That’s an easy and cheap way to achieve the perfect hair for a Yzma Halloween costume!
Kronk Costume
The good news is a Kronk costume is easy! We grabbed a blue shirt with yellow felt cut out and pinned it on with safety pins. We added a felt hat we sewed together with a straw to prop up the sun. You could 100% do a DIY Kronk costume without sewing! Buy some fabric glue and safety pin the hat together.
For the Kronk costume sash, we found some fabric, cut it into a strip, and tied it around the waist for the skirt and belt. No sewing is required! It’s more about the colors and the safety pinning strategically. And hey, you can even re-use the shirt when you’re done!
I always marvel at my own mother, and her ability to create and make sure we didn’t miss a party and our little guy didn’t get cheated out of his first Halloween was truly amazing!

So we went to our friends’ amazing annual Halloween party looked like no drama ever happened!
Their annual Halloween costume party started out for couples. However, as most the couples have had kids in the past two years, it’s expanded to a family party.
I have to say it’s only become more fun each year as we’ve watched the creativity grow and the cute little people make the party even more fun! The only downside is I think everyone does such a great job that we put a lot of pressure on ourselves to look awesome and come up with original themes. Look at the pressure this year one month postpartum with our Emperor’s New Groove costume!
I won’t complain though, it worked for us and for several friends too! Check out these awesome costumes!

Our besties seriously were the cutest with Prince Charming, Cinderella, and the Fairy Godmother! Just the cutest Cinderella family costume out there!

And this darling little man was his mom’s date while her husband was traveling.

This fun family got these in Spain while expecting this cute girl. They were so thrilled to have it fit their adorable daughter finally so they could be one creative family theme!

I love their sense of humor! She had a boot on with a crutch due to major surgery. They had a good attitude and went with it!

I always die at this girl’s hilarity! They are Bruce Wayne and his deceased parents. Such a sense of humor!

We can’t thank these four for hosting so many people! There were so many more that came, but I’m going to leave it to those who were fine with me using their pictures!
Seriously, such amazing couples and I’m so glad they go to all that work to choose fun themes and go all out every year! It was an old horror movie theme this year, and they rocked it! Most of the couples were characters from movies too. The Halloween party theme made it even more fun!

I’m so glad this host family pulled this off so well!

And these two are so amazing for being so creative with the new Pan movie- and for taking all these pictures! All pictures above this point are by them, and you can see more of their stuff at Noble Photographers!
And because I just can’t resist, here’s one more of our Emperor’s new Groove family costume with our very sleepy squirrel!

And with a better shot of his tail…

Actually, let’s just focus on Bucky the Squirrel a little more because I’m pretty obsessed! These were taken on Halloween at our church party. I couldn’t believe how many fun comments we received about our Emperor’s New Groove Costume! And then after going to visit grandma who deserved a fun surprise after all her work to help us pull it together!

Our little guy as like a warm fuzzy suit and stuffed animal. Add on the squirrel-like tail and we had an instantly sleeping baby almost every time!

He’s seriously one lucky kid to live so close to his grandparents! And even luckier to have one busy grandma who will stop anything and bend over backward to make sure he’s the cutest kid possible on Halloween!

oh my gosh WHAT how adorable are you guys!!! He is so dang precious.
Should've posted this on Monday for #MomCrushMonday 😉