Summer Bucket List
Looking for some summer ideas for kids and families to enjoy together this summer? Here’s an easy summer bucket list with fun summer bucket list ideas the whole family will love doing together!
I’m about to pick my son up from his last day of preschool. Where did this school year go? I can hardly believe we’re looking summer right in the eye! It’s honestly the first time I’ve faced a true summer break after having him used to the fun activities and teachers of the school. I’m a little worried about how bored he’s going to be!
Last year we realized there’s nothing like a very pregnant mom due in the middle of summer to put a damper on travel plans, and it had us start planning more family fun. We knew our outgoing, adventurous toddler would go a little stir crazy with the lack of fun and lack of adventure.
I mean Arizona is hot, so summer means way too much time indoors, and the need to plan a summer bucket list. Because we were forced to plan some fun, we turned it into a summer family bucket list. And now, there’s no going back! It’s such a great way to set goals, plan for fun, and make sure you make the most of summer!
This year we’ve decided it’s a great time to create a summer bucket list. That way he knows we have some fun to look forward to!
50 Fun Ideas for a Family Bucket List
Our summer bucket list we’ve organized into areas so we can plan our summer bucket list ideas each week, and space out the fun! We’ll look at summer treats to help us cool down these hot months, and some water fun for the same reason! We also want to try to get out of the house for some fun, but we know with a newborn we’ll need some fun at home too.
We’ve made this a family fun effort, but we’re also looking at summer bucket list for kids to make the most out of this year! We’re all about simple activities and easy fun. For anyone looking for some fun summer activities for kids and families to do together, here’s our summer bucketlist!
Our Summer Bucket List
Summer Treats:
- Go get gelato
- Get shaved ice
- Go out for frozen yogurt
- Make homemade ice cream at home
- Try a new ice cream shop
- Go out for fancy popsicles
- Visit the local Soda Shop and try a new drink
- Eat a snowcone
- Go out for donuts
- Make root beer floats
Summer Bucket List for Kids
Water Fun:
- Run through the sprinklers
- Take swim lessons
- Have a night swim with glow sticks
- Swim with cousins
- Swim at grandma’s and grandpa’s house
- Visit a water park
- Have a family water fight
- Go to the splash pad
- Have a play date at the splash pad
- Turn our backyard slide into a water slide
Family Activities, Summer BucketList Places to Go:
- Visit the Aquarium
- Go to the Science Museum
- Go to the zoo
- Visit storytime at Barnes and Noble
- Attend a library storytime or class
- Drive up to see Grandma and Grandpa
- Go see a movie in the theater
- Watch fireworks together
- Go out to dinner with friends
- Visit the indoor fun center
- Go to the farmer’s market
- Watch a parade
- Attend a kid’s builder workshop
- Have dinner at a restaurant with a play place
- Go out for breakfast together
At Home Fun Ideas for Kids This Summer
- Have a family movie night
- Make pizza together
- Finger paint at home
- Make or buy Play-Dough and have a fun creation competition
- Build a huge fort
- Read 20 new books together
- Bake a new kind of cookies together
- Family bike ride around the neighborhood
- Have a family game night
- Complete a puzzle together
- Picnic in the living room
- Dessert for dinner night
- Blow bubbles and play in bubbles
- Have a BBQ night
- Host a family read-a-thon with books and treats
*Family outing pics by Chrissy Blake
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Fantastic bucket list!