Taste Test Ideas with a Free Printable Score Card
Taste Test Ideas with a Free download scorecard you can print or use digitally on your phone. Sample many beverages and rate your favorites with easy date night in!
It wasn’t exactly a mystery to me that we’d be celebrating the holidays and ringing in the New Year at home. We’ve had some pretty epic New Year’s Eve date nights. Last year we went to a roaring 20’s party dressed to the nines! We’ve hosted a mocktail semi-formal New Year’s Eve bash. It’s one date night we splurge and do something really fun.
I’m a firm believer that you can dress up anytime, even if it’s just the two of you at home. But for some reason, this year we don’t have it in us. Maybe it’s the home remodeling projects, or maybe just the end of 2020. But we decided a casual, yet fun celebration date night is in order.
One year our word of the year was celebrated. We don’t drink alcohol, but I learned to always have a bottle of sparkling cider on hand to bust out any time that felt like celebrating. We did it a lot. I have lots of funny memories of one of us busting out the bubbly to celebrate things like “You didn’t hit snooze once this week!” I liked sparkling cider before, but I learned to love it that year.
Taste Test Party Ideas
So this year feels like an even greater need to celebrate making it through an unprecedented year no one saw coming. And I went to Trader Joe’s one day trying to decide which sparkling beverage we should get for Christmas dinner when my 5-year-old gave me a great idea. “Can we only get one? Could we PLEASE get more than flavor?”
I had our chocolate tasting date night pack we always buy at Trader Joe’s on hand, and I figured of all the taste test ideas, a sparkling beverage one felt the most appropriate for a celebration date night. Of course, it works great for a family fun night too.
So we bought literally every sparkling beverage available and prepped for a taste test party.
For those who don’t have a Trader Joe’s and would like to do this too, there are plenty of other great options! IKEA sells several different flavors of sparkling beverages. Most grocery stores carry a few flavors of sparkling cider and sparkling grape juice. You can do this with different sodas, like a root beer taste test. Or you could grab a few high end bottled soda flavors and include them in a taste test.
Taste Test Supplies Needed:
- Drinks for tasting. We have 10 in the taste-test scorecard, but you can add more or less as needed.
- Cups for each person x 10 (or the number of beverages you have to taste). I found these disposable champagne glasses at Target. They work perfectly!
- The Taste test scorecard free printable.
- A pen/pencil for each person participating in the taste test.
Grab Your Free Taste Test Scorecard Here
It works great printed out in color, but you can also print it in black and white. Additionally, it works great downloaded as an image to your phone, and you can use it digitally too!
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