Scratch Art: Easy Art Activity for Kids
If you need an easy art activity for kids scratch art is always a great idea! It’s fun for kids of all ages and takes exactly zero prep time!
I can remember being a child and a teacher passing out scratch art paper for a school project. It must have been a brand new product at the time, and it felt like pure magic! All it took was the right paper and a wood scratch art pencil, and I was set for magic! The way the rainbow scratch art revealed whatever I wanted to draw was one of my most joyful and vivid school memories as a kid!
I can tell this same excitement for an easy art project that reveals so much color and creativity yields similar emotions for my kids. Their little smiles as they see what colors lie beneath the paper makes it so much fun!
The Easiest Art Time Activity for Kids
When my oldest one three, I bought a scratch art notepad on a Black Friday deal as a quiet time activity. (Here’s how to do quiet time for kids if you’re interested). I could not believe how much he loved it! The only downside was the scratch art does leave a few black shavings. But I found a quick vacuum picked everything right up in a minute. I have continued to buy scratch art pads as a treat and gift for my son.
The shock of my life came when my baby who was 18 months old discovered his brother’s quiet time kid’s table and found the scratch art paper. He began to scribble little doodles and giddy squeal! In addition, we had a teenage babysitter come and ask if she could also use the scratch art paper while she did art time with our kids. It was a-ha moment that kids of all ages enjoy this activity.
Here are the different ways we’ve purchased scratch art for kids. All of these are fun easy art projects.
Scratch Art Ideas and Activity Options
Scratch Art Paper
This is primarily what we’ve purchased, and what I talked about earlier. We’re fans of getting a stack of scratch art paper and letting kids create whatever they’d like!
Scratch Art Book
I’ve purchased a handful of scratch art books with activities and pictures. It’s a more structured approach often with activities to complete. My kids love that many scratch art books have a glitter scratch art paper as well as rainbow scratch art paper.
A few we’ve purchased and loved are:
Scratch and Sparkle books (perfect for younger kids!). We love the activity books and the sketch books!
Super Scratch Art Pads (perfect for older kids!)
Scratch and Sketch book series
I’m sure you can’t go wrong with any high-rated book. Those are the ones personally purchased and my kids have really enjoyed!
Melissa and Doug Scratch Art
I purchased a single Melissa and Doug scratch art book (this one to be exact) and loved that it’s a little different than your standard scratch art book. They’re more colorful and come with well-designed pictures beneath the scratch surface. When I realized an entire set is a better deal, we purchased a three-pack set. We love giving these away as birthday presents, kids really enjoy them!
For the record, Melissa and Doug also make a great variety pad with different options!
DJeco Scratch Art Cards
We just found these at a specialty toy store and I instantly fell in love with the Djeco scratch art cards! They are stunning! I’d recommend these for elementary-aged kids or advanced preschoolers who love to create patterns. The colors and designs are gorgeous!
Scratch Art Notepad
If you like leaving notes, or have a kid who likes drawing small pictures, a scratch art notepad may be a good choice! We love this one, and love that you can get different shapes and theme options.
It’s hard to go wrong! Just keep your vacuum nearby to clean up the small shavings. That’s all it takes for easy art time fun!
Photos: Chrissy Blake
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