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Clever and Funny Skeleton Names

Tickle your funny bone with 250 funny skeleton names. These punny skeleton names are a fun way to bring a little humor to your Halloween gatherings or your anatomy lessons!

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Who says bones can’t be funny? In the spirit of keeping Halloween fun with some light-heartedness, we’ve curated an incredible list of 250 punny skeleton names that you’ll absolutely love.

Plastic Skeleton: A Fun Family Tradition

One of the best decisions our family made was investing in a plastic skeleton to use as a Halloween decoration. They’re not just for medical school classrooms- they’re a fun Halloween family tradition!

I’ve always wanted one and could think of about a million ways to use one in decorations and Halloween activities. They store nicely, and they’re just so fun to use during spooky season!

If you’re in the market for one (or another one!) here are our favorite places to buy a plastic skeleton.

Our skeleton quickly became a funny and harmless way to prank each other. Our family loves to move the skeleton around the house and pose the skeleton doing daily tasks like climbing in bed, working at a desk, or finding a snack in the pantry.

It’s been a fun way to get some good laughs with the occasional tiny jump scare. These skeleton games last all Halloween season, and it’s created the best family memories!

Good Skeleton Name

Pretty quickly we realized we needed a good name to call our skeleton friend, and we started throwing out skeleton puns. I started compiling a list, and you can see where this post is going…we came up with a skeleton name generator with the vest skeleton names to help you choose the perfect one for your family!

Whether you’re preparing for a spooky Halloween gathering, teaching an anatomy class, or simply want to add a chuckle to your day, these names are sure to make you smile. Let’s dive in and assess these humerus—excuse us, humorous—names that will bring a grin to your face and maybe even inspire you to come up with a few puns of your own!

And if you’re curious, our Disneyland trip loving family named our skeleton Indiana Bones. And I feel like he needs a leather jacket and hat for sure!

Funny skeleton names for your plastic skeleton.

250 of the Best Skeleton Names

These funny skeleton names range from punny skeleton names to clever plays on words. They’re sorted alphabetically so you can find the best skeleton name! Plus, we have a FREE printable list at the end- so be sure to snag the complete list!

  1. Albert Spinestein
  2. Amelia Scarehart
  3. Axial Tony
  4. Baron Von Bone
  5. Ben Rattling
  6. Bone-a Lisa
  7. Bone-a-fide Betty
  8. Bone-a-fide Brianna
  9. Bone-yoncé
  10. Bone Crawford
  11. Bone Daddy
  12. Bone Jovi
  13. Bone Ranger
  14. Boney M.
  15. Boney Spears
  16. Bonez Malone
  17. Bonezai
  18. Bonejamin Franklin
  19. Bonaparte
  20. Boney-Wan Kenobi
  21. Boo-nifer Aniston
  22. Boo-nifer Lawrence
  23. Boo-nifer Lopez
  24. Cal-cium
  25. Calcaneus Cal
  26. Cass Kitt
  27. Captain Cranium
  28. Captain Jack Marrow
  29. Carpaltina
  30. Cervical Celine
  31. Chattering Chad
  32. Chattering Charlie
  33. Christopher Walken Dead
  34. Clatterina
  35. Clavicle Carl
  36. Clavicle Cleo
  37. Coco-bone Chanel
  38. Coccyx Cody
  39. Count Scapula
  40. Cranium Coppola
  41. Cranium Craig
  42. Cranium Karen
  43. Creepy Chris
  44. Dem Bones
  45. Disco-bone Inferno
  46. Dr. Metacarpal
  47. Dr. Skelebones
  48. Dr. Spook
  49. Dullbone Doug
  50. Eerie Ellen
  51. Femur Fannie
  52. Fibby Fibula Jr.
  53. Fibula Fitzgerald
  54. Funny Bone Fred
  55. Funnybone Fran
  56. Ghosty Bones
  57. Gourdon Bonesy
  58. Grace Skelly
  59. Gravely Grace
  60. Grin and Bare-bone
  61. Gwen Stiffani
  62. Hauntbone
  63. Helen Skeller
  64. Hip-olita
  65. Hipster Bone
  66. Humphrey Bone-gart
  67. Humerus Hal
  68. Indiana Bones
  69. Jack o’ lanterns
  70. Jack Skellington (from the Nightmare Before Christmas)
  71. Jack Sparrow
  72. Jangle Jane
  73. Jon Bone Jovi
  74. Jumpy Jim
  75. Kim Clavicle-dashian
  76. Lattisimus Dorsi Larry
  77. Lazy Bones
  78. Lord Lumbar
  79. Lord Ossicle
  80. Lord Skelethor
  81. Lord Spine
  82. Lumbert the Lumbering
  83. Lumbar Louie
  84. LumbarLena
  85. Madame Mandible
  86. Mandibella
  87. Mandible Manny
  88. Mandy-ible Moore
  89. Mariah Scary
  90. Marrow Mindy
  91. Marrow Poppins
  92. Marrow Streisand
  93. Marrow Wilson
  94. Marrow J. Blige
  95. Marrowlyn Monroe
  96. Marty McFright
  97. Meryl Shriek
  98. Metacarpleton
  99. Metatarsal Mike
  100. Michael Bone-Leone
  101. Mr. Marrow
  102. Mr. Ribs
  103. Napoleon Bone-apart
  104. Nefarious Bueller
  105. Occipital Oliver
  106. Occipital Oscar
  107. Ossie the Ossified
  108. OsteoEllen DeGeneres
  109. OsteoMatic
  110. OsteoOprah
  111. OsteoPete
  112. OsteoPaula
  113. Patella Patricia
  114. Pelvic Pete
  115. Pelvis Costello
  116. Pelvis Presley
  117. Phalan-Gina
  118. Phalange Phil
  119. Phalange Fonda
  120. Phalangela Merkel
  121. PhalanGeraldo
  122. Phalange-nix
  123. Puns and Bones
  124. R.I.P.ley
  125. Radi-ulna
  126. Radii Rick
  127. Radius Rachel
  128. Radial Ray
  129. Rattlin’ Russell
  130. Rattling Ryan
  131. Rattle Rick
  132. Rattlebones
  133. Rattly Rae
  134. Rib De Niro
  135. Rib-kowski
  136. Rib Lowe
  137. Ribbin’ Robin
  138. Ribcage Ritchie
  139. Ribs
  140. R.I.B.
  141. Ribsy
  142. Ribert the Rib-tastic
  143. Ribert Downey Jr.
  144. Ribchael Jackson
  145. Scapula Scott
  146. ScapuLarry
  147. Scapulina
  148. Scarah Shiverman
  149. Scary Terry
  150. Sherlock Bones
  151. Skelary Duff
  152. SkeleAriana Grande
  153. SkeleBeyoncé
  154. SkeleBill
  155. SkeleBillie Eilish
  156. SkeleBob Ross
  157. SkeleBob SquarePants
  158. SkeleBoys
  159. SkeleBruce Willis
  160. SkeleCharlize Theron
  161. SkeleChris Hemsworth
  162. SkeleConan O’Brien
  163. SkeleDwayne Johnson
  164. SkeleElton John
  165. SkeleJason
  166. SkeleJeff Bezos
  167. SkeleJim Carrey
  168. SkeleJulia
  169. SkeleKaty Perry
  170. SkeleLin-Manuel Miranda
  171. SkeleMark
  172. SkeleMelissa McCarthy
  173. SkeleNatalie Portman
  174. SkeleNeil Armstrong
  175. SkeleOprah
  176. SkelePaul
  177. SkeleScarlett Johansson
  178. SkeleSean
  179. SkeleSimon Cowell
  180. SkeleStephen King
  181. SkeleSteve
  182. SkeleSteve Jobs
  183. SkeleTea Leoni
  184. SkeleTed
  185. SkeleTerry
  186. SkeleTom
  187. SkeleTom Hanks
  188. SkeleTony
  189. SkeleTron
  190. SkeleTyler
  191. SkeleVictoria
  192. SkeleWanda
  193. Skeletal Kombat
  194. Skelethoven
  195. SkeleTim
  196. SkeleTina Turner
  197. SkeleTrix
  198. SkeleTyra
  199. SkeleVera
  200. Skelewag
  201. Skeletony Bennett
  202. SkeleTron
  203. SkeleWinston Churchill
  204. Skeletorah
  205. SkeleTrina
  206. SkeleWhoopi Goldberg
  207. SkElvis
  208. Skelly Clarkson
  209. Skullary Duff
  210. Skullma Hayek
  211. Skullnardo DiCaprio
  212. Skully McSkullface
  213. Skullpepper
  214. Skullvester
  215. Skullvis Presley
  216. Spinal Smith
  217. Spinal Tapper
  218. Spinalta
  219. Spine-derella
  220. Spine-y Norman
  221. Spiney Minaj
  222. Spooky McSpookface
  223. Spooky Mulder
  224. Spookerella
  225. Spookington
  226. Startling Stella
  227. Sternum Steve
  228. The Bone Ranger
  229. The Marrowist
  230. The Notorious R.I.B.
  231. The Rib Reaper
  232. The Rolling Bones
  233. The SkeleBard (Shakespeare)
  234. Tibia Banks
  235. Tibia Turner
  236. Tibula Taylor
  237. T-Bone Tony
  238. Ulna Thurman
  239. Vertebrad
  240. Vertebrad Pitt
  241. Vertebrooke
  242. VertebRyan Gosling
  243. VerteBruce
  244. Vertebrandy
  245. VerteBret
  246. Vincent Van Bone
  247. Werner Bray
  248. Wobblebone
  249. Wristopher
  250. X-ray Xavier

We hope at least one of these tickled your funny bone, and inspired your

Grab the FREE Printable List of Skeleton Names Right HERE!

Don’t lose these names! Just put in your first name and email and we’ll send the list in a cute digital printable form so you have the unique list of skeleton names ready to go any time!

Get 250 Funny Skeleton Names

Enter your email so we can send you your FREE digital download fIle!

Skeleton names free printable.

    We hate spam too, and promise not to send you any!

    Plastic Skeleton FAQs

    What is a good name for a skull?

    If you need another name for a skull try cranium, head, brain, crown, scalp, or noggin.

    How many bones are in the human body?

    There are 206 bones. And they all make a great play on words for naming your 5 ft skeleton.

    How do I age a plastic skeleton?

    Get some sandpaper and sand down the shiny finish. A few strokes and wiping off the excess should help age your plastic skeleton and remove the shine.

    How do you store plastic skeletons?

    Fold up the skeleton into a seated position, and tuck arms and lets in. Wrap with a plastic storage bag, or two plastic trash bags. Tap around the outside of the bag to help keep the skeleton in position. Tape off the opening before storing in an attic or storage space.

    Conclusion: Make No Bones About It!

    And there we have it! One hundred punny skeleton names to tickle your funny bone. This list has shown that even the skeletal system can serve as a source of Halloween fun, laughter, and maybe even some inspiration.

    These creative names remind us that a good sense of humor can be found in every nook and cranny of life, right down to our very bones. The next time you’re asking yourself what should I name my plastic skeleton, just refer back to this list! You’re sure to find a name that brings a smile to your face!

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