The Wonderful Things You Will Be Nursery Ideas and Room Reveal!
A modern nursery idea with a best-selling modern children’s book theme. Here’s the official nursery reveal to The Wonderful Things You Will Be Nursery with all the details!
I absolutely loved the nursery ideas we had for our first baby. A book themed nursery is right up my alley as a former English teacher. I adore children’s books, and my childhood dream job was becoming a children’s book author. When we found out we were expecting baby #2 there was a big part of me that thought we’d go with the same Where the Wild Things Are nursery because that bright blue painted crib was one of my favorite things.
Then we started prepping our toddler to move to the big boy room, and he asked more than once, “Will my wild things get to move with me?” My husband and I kept looking at each other realizing if we wanted a smooth transition, we may need to keep his room elements in his new space and come up with new nursery ideas for the new baby. As someone who is just learning to love decorating and home decor in their 30’s, sometimes getting a vision is a struggle for me.
Nursery Inspiration
I went to Alt Summit in February where Sherwin Williams was a sponsor and had a display of the color of the year. A deep turquoise sea color painted a lovely large wall as a photo backdrop. I fell in love with it, and kept thinking I knew that color from somewhere. It took a few times passing their booth to realize that it was the exact shade of turquoise that comes from one of our favorite modern children’s books. The Wonderful Things You Will Be is a book I can’t recommend enough! It’s like a modern I’ll Love You Forever that makes my heart swell with each read, and sometimes even tear up with sentimentality.

The Wonderful Things You Will Be
If you haven’t read The Wonderful Things You Will Be, you should hop over to Amazon and look at the preview, or get a glimpse of it read in a video here. The colors are beautiful. The art is so fantastic and original. But most of all, the story and theme of all the potential a parent sees in their baby and their child are so beautiful. It hit me hard, that would be a fantastic new crib color and a fantastic nursery theme for the new baby.
I Googled The Wonderful Things You Will Be nursery ideas, only to find that apparently I’ve come up with some super original idea and there was no inspiration I could find. Then, I started to question how doable this would be. I am no artist, but I got out a paper and started to sketch a few concepts based on visuals and quotes from the book. Next, I contacted my favorite artist, my friend Elise at Elise Creates. She did my logo and branding for my site, and I can’t recommend her work enough!
I shipped her a copy of the book and we scheduled a business call. She told me she was in love with this idea, and the only problem was the options and ideas were limitless! There are so many great colors in the book! She also let me know that the author actually sells original artwork and that we should base it around her prints respecting copyright laws. I love that Elise is so great like that, always gives credit and legal concern to all!
I still wanted a few exact quotes, and she generously gifted me an original design of the two I adore.

The Wonderful Things You Will Be Nursery
“When I look at you and you look at me, I wonder what wonderful things you will be.”
Isn’t this the most accurate quote of a new parent’s thoughts staring at a tiny infant? There have been so many times I looked at my first baby and wondered all he’d do and become with his life. I wondered what amazing personality and character traits would shine through. I knew that quote belonged front and center in the nursery. And I loved it so much we actually put the title quote in two places.

The other quote is just the sweetest quote for a baby.
“When you were too small to tell me hello, I knew you were someone I wanted to know.”
Darn postpartum hormones, I’m already tearing up just typing it and thinking about it! The precious look in those eyes, that little soul that comes fresh from Heaven. Oh, how you know that a mighty person is inside that little body! Also, that you are lucky enough to be someone who gets to help shape their life!
The Wonderful Things You Will Be Nursery Inspiration
Emily Wingman is so brilliant, and I just wanted the feeling of a parent’s love she’s created along with her beautiful art to shine through this The Wonderful Things You Will Be Nursery Theme.
With the quotes and elements of the theme coming together thanks to Elise, I had a vision for some modern wallpaper with clouds much like the book. I found so many options on Spoonflower. I reached out to them and we did a post about the wallpaper you can read all about modern wallpaper and temporary wallpaper installation. It really has been perfect and I loved it more and more with each piece of the nursery we added after the wallpaper. FYI, We went with this beautiful design.

Modern Green Crib
Next up was figuring out the crib.
We bought a cheap used nursery set with our first baby. A dresser for clothes, a changing table with storage space, and a crib. I learned quickly we could paint that dated number with whatever fresh, modern nursery colors we wanted. It’s its own post to talk about how we redid the nursery furniture. But the Sherwin Williams enamel paint was something we knew would hold up, and did fantastically with our first!
This time we went with a satin instead of a gloss, and we brought in a slightly different color from another sample we’d fallen in love with that pulled more green. They do custom paint colors, and we had all we needed in a gallon and half of the paint! Bless that gift card they gave for a free gallon paint at Alt, it covered us and made this nursery super affordable to makeover!

Baby Room Ideas
I’m all about cute and space you’ll both love, but I’m equally about functionality and practicality when it comes to baby room ideas. I like every piece of furniture well used and loved. Additionally, I like all the baby room decor to be fairly minimal. And I want a space they can grow into a toddler and feel comfortable and safe in.
We honestly bought this nursery furniture set because it was a steal deal from a friend selling a hardly used cheap nursery furniture set. But I’ve loved these open shelves with these pull-out baskets. We used them with our first child, and spray painted them to match his Where the Wild Things Are decor. We’ve loved them so much we let him keep his gray set and bought a new natural set for The Wonderful Things You Will Be nursery. I glued felt on the bottom to make them slide easily. They store all the essentials and make diaper changes and all the random baby items to easy to find!

Baby Room Ideas: Nursery Furniture
With our first, we were given a used glider from a coworker that I always planned to reupholster and fix. It never happened, and this time around we decided maybe a comfortable glider or recliner was in order. We found the best of both worlds at Living Spaces. It took about 15 minutes of sitting in this glider/recliner combo to decide it was perfect.

It’s modern and minimal. It can be customized in real leather. They aren’t sponsoring this, I just love this thing this much! Jacob and I both do. We comment every day how much we adore it. It’s the best piece of furniture and I’m so glad we splurged on a new leather chair in a color that matched perfectly.
We made sure to keep the IKEA bookshelf that’s so functional for toddlers in this room and buy our little man some new pieces for his big boy room. It stores everything nicely, and clearly, we’re a book-loving, book-buying family who loves to have our kids surrounded by them.
After the big pieces were in order and the prints came together perfectly thanks to Elise. It just came down to a few decor details.
Modern Crib Mobile
I wanted a crib mobile with elements from the book and decided hot air balloons would be darling. I found this set on Etsy, and my mom put it all together for us. It’s been so darling, and I feel like it brought together so much of the nursery.
I found the crib sheet and crib skirt on a trip to a baby store. I also grabbed the changing table cover on the same trip to complete the linens for the nursery. We bought some backup sets too, not pictured, but here are a few links to products included in the nursery.

Colorful Nursery
And finally, I knew we may need some colors all pulled together. Particularly since there’s a lot going on with the book theme colors. I found this rug at such an amazing price and hoped it would do the trick. Everyone who came over while I was still expecting and saw it in person commented how much they loved it! I really love it too, it’s the perfect pop of color.
Can I tell you how much I’ve loved this space? Every time we go into the nursery we all smile. It’s unique, it’s a modern nursery, and it’s full of color while still staying peaceful and feeling calm Plus, it’s simple while still being plenty decorated. I love the messages of What Wonderful Things You Will Be, and that the nursery echoes those.
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Oh this is so cute!! 🙂
Thank you so much! We sure adore that book, if it wasn’t obvious 😉