Date Ideas for Teens
Looking for fun date ideas for teens? Here are 30 perfect date ideas for teens that are cheap, creative, and easy to do!
35 Date Ideas for Teens
Hey, teenagers – welcome to dating! Despite all the memes and jokes, this can be a really fun experience for you!
I had so much fun dating as a teenager. In high school, I helped prepare a lot of school dances and had a blast going with my friends to them. I still think the most fun part of those dances was the day dates that preceded them!
However, the fun in dating didn’t only happen at dances. We went out other times of the year on fun, casual dates and had more fun without all the dance pressure. It just took finding fun date ideas for teens to make them happen!
Perks of Going on Dates as a Teen
Dating is a tool that helps with more than just building a romantic relationship with a significant other: it’s a great opportunity to get to know people and make new friends. It’s a great way to create unforgettable memories with your friends when you make it a group affair.
Plus, you’re going to have some quality time and learn a lot of awesome social skills. Whether you’re going out with your boyfriend or girlfriend, or just group dating, there are a lot of great things about planned dates!
In addition to having fun (or at least laughable stories later), it teaches you how to communicate, what attributes you value in your future spouse, as well as growing yourself and making yourself better in relationships. So why only “hang out?”
You don’t just have to use the school dance as an excuse to take somebody cool or somebody you like out: Whether you’re reading to go on formal dates, double dates, group dates, or just need some new activities for you and your friends to do, this list date ideas for teens will help make dates affordable, low-key, and a lot of fun.
Teenage date ideas
Rock Climbing at a Recreation Center.
Rock gyms can usually cost a lot – but there are often recreation centers that will have a wall to climb too. There’s a recreation center in our area that is half the charge of a rock gym! This is a great, paired-off date that is also fun and low-key.
Hit Up the Mall.
We know, that malls are slowly dying. But this date was all the rage in the 90s, and we think you’ll like it too!
Yeah, this is probably a teenage date cliche, but it’s a cliche for a very good reason. There are plenty of shops to peruse – from clothing to game stores, a price-conscious food court, and rides and activities occurring in the halls. This date idea gives a lot of insight into what your date is interested in based on where they wander to. -
Arcade Games.
Dig up all the quarters and dollar bills in your couch and bags and take them to your local arcade with your date.
We love a good Dave and Busters date night. But there’s a good change you have an old-school arcade game venue in your city or town. It’s one of the best date ideas for teenage couples to go on solo with time to talk and less pressure than other dates.Good Date Ideas for Teens
Bring the Fancy to a Fast-Food Restaurant.
We love this date idea for teenagers because it’s a super creative and exciting date. Here’s how it works: grab candles, a tablecloth, fancy silverware and plates (optional), get you and your date to dress “super extra,” then set it up and order at your favorite fast food chain of your choice. Enjoy!
- Take advantage of the season outside: sled in the snow, rake leaves and jump in them, go lake jumping, visit a botanical garden.
The seasons are a beautiful thing – and often a very affordable date idea to enjoy too. Look up seasonal date ideas and take advantage of them. - Picnic. Another classic date that’s great for teenagers and everyone alike. Bring sandwiches and some homemade treats to make it free, and add some candles or special lighting to make it romantic.

Best Budget Dates for Teens
Saving money for college, can’t find a weekend job, or possibly helping your family? These budget-friendly date ideas are great options for teenagers who don’t have an expendable income but still want to go out on dates.
Skating in the Park.
Whether you have some skateboards or longboards, rollerblades, or bikes, the ramps and slides make the park a fun place to get in a little activity together. Plus, the park is always the best budget date for teens because the park is free.
Host a Group Game Night.
Group dates are so much fun as a teenager because they involve your friends and keep the pace of the date interesting and fun. Try to find good icebreaker games or ridiculous games that will keep you and your friends laughing for weeks to follow.
We have a huge list of great couple games, favorite board games, and great card games if you need some recommendations! -
Bake Cookies Together.
Or brownies, or cinnamon rolls, or a cake mix – your choice. But find a dessert and make something sweet together.
Baking together is the perfect pace for a date – time to work together and follow a structured recipe and time to sit and chat. Bonus, too: it’ll help sharpen your baking skills for the long haul and not break the bank. -
Hammock at the Park.
I wouldn’t put this in the first date ideas category, but it’s a great free date when you know some sparks are already flying with your crush.
Parks are a great location for dates for teenagers because it’s a free venue where you can do a lot of different activities. Relax and unwind by setting up a hammock to cuddle up in and talk. -
Discount Movie Night Date.
Most theaters do a discount movie night, it’s typically on Tuesday. But there are also discount movie theaters that show movies that have been out for a few months.
These theatres are great for getting a similar movie-going experience on a movie date without hurting your paycheck. We also recommend sneaking in your own treats to get further with your dollar. -
Go Get Ice Cream
A simple ice cream date is always a cute date idea! Head to a cute ice cream parlor or local favorite spot, and enjoy time to talk with a favorite treat.
Aesthetic Date: Themed Group Dinner and Activity Night.
Harry Potter, Star Wars, 007 Casino Royale, Stranger Things… Pick a theme and base all your attire, food and activities around it. Seriously lean into an aesthetic date and stick with it!
A little Google or Pinterest will help you shape this date. Invite friends to contribute – this will be a date you all won’t forget! -
Go Geocaching
Websites and apps will share coordinates in your area, and you and your date from there can hunt for and find fun surprises from other geocachers! Also, bring something to timestamp your date with a special someone.
Make Bucket Lists
There’s something in taking the time to make a bucket list that really helps you get to know each other. Think of places you want to visit, goals you want to accomplish, and a few extra fun things you hope to experience.
Then take some time to share some of your favorites. You’ll learn a lot about each other’s hopes and dreams for the future! -
Go for a Bike Ride
Maybe ditch the idea that you’re going to ride bikes with friends around the neighborhood, and think about a fun destination for two you can bike to. Go get an inexpensive dinner or dessert together. Pack a picnic dinner. Or go to a scenic location.
But take a slower bike ride and enjoy some quality time with this active date idea.Great Dating Ideas for Teenagers: Group Date Ideas for Teens
Make it a group date! Or grab another couple and find a fun double-date idea to enjoy in a smaller group. Here are great dating ideas for teenagers where the saying, “the more, the merrier” truly applies.
Do a Photo Scavenger Hunt
Head to a very public place with a lot of variety in scenery like a mall or downtown area. Set each couple as a team, and get ready for a fun photo scavenger competition!
Each couple is in a race to get a picture with an object or item that starts with each letter of the alphabet in order. The first one to complete the task and prove it to the others with photographic evidence wins! - Movie Night Party
Turn a movie night into a fun group date with a little effort!I had friends in high school set up the cutest movie fort with twinkly Christmas lights and sheets, and plan movie snacks, pop some popcorn, and a themed movie. And let me tell you, it wowed their dates!
Find a new release, a cult classic, or even a series for some binge-watching together. - Make a Music Video.
Have you seen a music video recently that just looks ridiculously fun? Or maybe you think you have better ideas for a favorite tune? Get your friends together, bring your sense of humor, and turn up your creativity by creating or re-creating a music video. - Host a Murder Mystery Night.
If you have any friends or a date with a flair for theatrics, you’ll have some extra fun with this date idea. There are plenty of free murder mystery packs online to use as well. -
Have a Dancing Game Night.
Just Dance? Dance Dance Revolution? Everybody Dance? Whatever version is accessible to you, get moving with your date and have an easy, super fun time dancing together. No instructions needed.
Water Fight.
With the weather permitting, grab those water guns, fill up some balloons and buckets of water and get ready for an epic water fight. Take it to a park that might have some dry patches in need of some TLC. This is another great option to invite friends to bring a date.
Park Frisbee / Frisbee Golf/ Football / Soccer.
Take to the field and make the park field a casual game. A little friendly competition with friends makes for a fun group date for teens.
Potluck Meal/Grilling Party.
Give each couple an assignment for a side dish, and have a dinner party. Ask each person to bring their own main course, and have a barbeque dinner. There’s no shame if you need to ask a parent or older sibling for grilling help if you aren’t pros. It’s still a great group date that makes a dinner party affordable, low-key, and fun.
Thrift Store Date Night
Go to Thrift Store and Dress Each Other Up.
Thrift stores are hilarious ways to dress you and your date up in something ridiculous. It’s a great teen activity that also ends up as a cheap purchase if you find something you really like! -
Play the 007 Game.
Have you heard of this game? This is a fun one to pull in a quieter, safer neighborhood. Here’s how it works: there’s a driver and there are people on foot. The people on foot need to get to a predetermined destination without the driver catching them. When caught, the running person jumps in the car and helps the driver. To make this a date, pair off (meaning you can’t go anywhere without your date, plus this is much safer to do).
Have a Karaoke Night
This is such a fun date night that people really enjoy whether they can sing beautifully, or not very well at all. Find a free program online and turn this into a fun group date night you can laugh about and enjoy!
Date Ideas for Teens: Fun Places for Teenage Date Nights
Visit a Museum on a Free Day.
This requires a little homework, but if you play your cards right, often there’s a museum, exhibit, or gallery that will show to the public for free. It’s often the First Friday of the month. Consult your town’s parks and recreation calendar or Facebook events for inspiration. -
Roller Skating Date
Kick it old school, lace up the roller skates, and head to the skating rink. Dedicate songs to each other, and have a blast dancing (and possibly holding hands) while you skate.
Go for a Hike.
Whether your date is super sporty and wants to scour a mountain or your date is a little on the lighter side, there’s always a trail for your comfort level. Check out some local trails and set yourself up for a hiking date perfect for two. And it’s hard to beat those views.
Ice Skating.
If you’re looking for an excuse to hold hands with your date, this is a perfect date idea. Whether it’s an indoor or an outdoor rink, it’s easy to find ice skating year-round. And a cup of hot chocolate is always a great way to end this fun date.
Bowling Date.
This fun teen date idea always makes us feel nostalgic for a time long before us. Bowling always seems to be the iconic date activity in TV and movies, time to recreate it yourself! Plus check out our bowling with a twist for a fun way to shake up a bowling date night.
Midnight IHOP Breakfast Food Run.
The later you can go out with your date and your friends, the better, right? This date idea is great if your weekend plans mostly include sleeping in. Getting midnight pancakes is something you and your date won’t forget.
Play Racquetball.
Many high schools have free-to-play racquetball courts in the evenings and weekends. Ask friends, family, or neighbors for a racquet and balls and take advantage of this low-key, high-fun sport. -
Play Pickleball
Book a court, grab some paddles, and enjoy this craze every couple seems to enjoy for an active date idea.
Amusement Park Date
It’s a fun way to snuggle up waiting in lines with young teenage couples. And if you’re ready, there’s nothing like a kiss on top of the ferris wheel So bring on the childhood nostalgia, and go experience an adrenaline rush together at a fair or theme park.
Go Indoor Rock Climbing
Rock climbing is a good date option because it usually requires a partner to climb, and another to support. Plus it’s a fun way to stay in better shape and build a new hobby together.
Visit a Water Park
Get ready for a few thrills and a fun way to cool off during the summer months. A day pass at a water park, or a less expensive evening pass makes for a really fun and exciting date night!
High School Date Ideas for Teens
Your high school is a hub full of potential date ideas – take advantage of events on your campus as well as that recent drivers license and let’s have some fun!
Go to a High School Sporting Event.
Find a game at your local high school. Football, basketball, volleyball, baseball, soccer, there seems to always be a game you can bring a date to! This is also a great idea if you want to support any of your friends on the team. Also, you can attend another high school’s event or a local college game to avoid gossip.
Visit a High School Production.
Know a school has an exciting spring musical? Or maybe it’s a music concert you know you and your date will just love. High school productions are the best budget way to get a cultural date, plus you can support your friends in their endeavors. If it’s a first date or somebody new and you don’t want to spread school gossip, go to another high school’s production.
Attend a Non-Sports, Non-Fine-Arts School Event.
There are a lot of other clubs and organizations in high school beyond your local theatre or sports team, to name a few that have things you can go out and support your friends in: Speech and Debate competitions, Academic Decathlon, Model UN, FFA Shows, club service projects, the list goes one! We’re guessing your student council plans a couple events a year too – like Homecoming Week parades, etc… Take advantage of these while you’re still in school – they’re free or cheap date ideas!
Anything we miss you feel like we should add? Comment below!
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Get 365 Date Ideas!

We want to help you have the best date nights ever! Grab this FREE printable with 365 date ideas, a date for every day of the year so you never run out of ideas!
Going to the mall is my favorite one on this list. It’s our favorite thing to do together! Great article
Pandemic date ideas for teens?
Those are great ideas! Thanks for sharing!
Truly my pleasure! Teens deserve great date nights too!