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Best Date Night Ideas You Can Order From Amazon!

20 of the Best Date Night Ideas that you can order from Amazon! These Amazon finds make your next date night as easy as two-day shipping! 

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I am all about fun, but I am also all about easy. Sometimes I think if date night could show up in a box ready to go it would make our plans so much easier! Good news, it can! Here are 20 fun date nights you can order from Amazon!

I always think of my friend who lives on a farm in a remote area and is still so committed to making date night happen. Even if it means a 20-minute drive to the nearest gas station to get their favorite candy.

Living in a major metropolitan area definitely has its perks when it comes to fun date nights. I don’t think we’ll ever run out of fun things to do in Phoenix! But I try so hard to make everything we do applicable to others no matter where you live. I want to help you find the best dates for you and to make date night easy and fun!

Making Date Night As Easy As Amazon Prime

Then one day a few years ago I had this idea, what if date night was as easy as an Amazon Prime shipment- and you could place an order and have a box come one-two days later with your date night ready to go?

This post has been years in the making as I’ve looked for dates we’ve actually done, the best date night ideas worth doing, and quality items one would be excited to open and receive as a gift.

With the launch of our year of dates series, I knew the time was now to share our roundup of 20 date nights you can order on Amazon and enjoy together! And if you’re looking at gifting your own date night gift, whether it’s our free year of dates printable or just a single date to unwrap, here are 20 excellent ones to choose from!

The Best Date Night Ideas You an Buy on Amazon

The Best Date Night Ideas You Can Order on Amazon

  1. Escape Room At Home! 
    We own this very board game and we’ve had several escape room game nights in that are just as fun as splurging to go out for one. I love this one because there’s several in one box, so you can enjoy more than one date night stretching the date night budget even further.
  2. Jigsaw Puzzle
    We had a jigsaw puzzle date night on a cold winter’s night that we just didn’t want to leave the house. It was so much fun, there was so much conversation, and it’s a project you’ll feel so satisfied completing together!
    Best of all, you can choose a puzzle that fits your personalities or go with a theme. Hello, donut puzzle with a box of donuts in! The options are limitless!
  3. Gourmet Cooking for Two Book
    Another date we’ve repeated often! You can see one of our gourmet cooking date nights at this post. This book has so many delicious, approachable meals for two.
  4. Date Night In Cookbook
    Similar to the previous, cooking together at home is always great date night. This book makes it feel more like a date night with a theme. You’ll get thematic suggestions to go with your meals. It’s cute, it’s romantic, and it’s a well-done book with lots of cooking at home date options.
  5. The Five Love Languages Book
    I’ve been obsessed with this book since I was a teenager! We often bring up our love languages and how we’re helping each other feel loved. Whether you’ve taken the quiz or not, it’s always a good idea to revisit love languages as a couple. It’s the perfect date night in, and it’s a cheap one that makes a huge impact!


    Questions for Couples

  6. Do You Know Your Husband/Do You Know Your Wife Quiz
    We did this with a romantic fort night date early in our marriage, and Pinterest has loved this date and shared it often! I love this game, and recommend it no matter how long you’ve been married!
  7. 101 Conversation Starters for Couples 
    If you love The 5 Love Languages, you’re going to love these conversation starters from author Gary Chapman! They aim at helping you dig deeper, discuss your love, and increase intimacy together
  8. Table Topics
    Voted a best anniversary present, these table topics for couples will give you plenty to talk about and spark fun new conversations you’ve never had before!
  9. 201 Relationship Question: The Couples Guide to Building Trust and Emotional Intimacy
    If you’ve ever wanted to feel like even more of a team and on the same page, this book is a game-changer! I’ve heard people describe it as “Cheap therapy” in an easily approachable manner that’s still fun. Dig deep, create connectivity, and bond emotionally with this book.
  10. Our Moments Conversation Starters for Couples
    Hello quality time and quality conversation! Here are 100 thought-provoking conversation starters to get you talking and bonding together!


    The Best Couples Activities You Can Buy From Amazon

  11. Sushi Making Kit
    Sushi dates are popular for a reason, they are a social outing that makes dinner a fun experience! You may be surprised how cheap it is to roll your own sushi, which is why it’s such a fun date to learn together! And bonus points, if one of you hates traditional sushi, you can really mix it up and make it however you want.
    Hello fish for me, and avocado rolls for him!
  12. Our Bucketlist
    Early in our marriage, we did a Couple’s Bucketlist Date Night. It was the catalyst to make our dream trips, financial goals, exciting dates, and hopes and dreams happen! I’m pleased to say only a few years later, we’ve crossed most of the items off our list because of this date night. We’re all set to re-do with an update, and this book makes it easy to talk through and plan your bucket list together.
  13. Loopy Game for Couples 
    This game is more on the physical intimacy side, but one that couples rave about! It’s tastefully done and keeps things exciting and different when you need a romantic date night in.
  14. The Idea Box Date Night Box
    I LOVE that they created a box with 60 simple date nights on wooden disks you can randomly choose from a box. They actually advertise this as a family date night box, so it’s fun if you want to include your kids too! But let me tell you, it’s fantastic for couples! Such a fun item to give as a date night gift!

     Amazon Prime Finds: Dates Worth Gifting

  15. Promptly Journals Love Story
    Write your love story together with easily digestible prompts. Talk about a keepsake you’ll cherish and pass down and one really cool date night!
  16. Do You Know Me? 
    A game that will make you laugh about small details you may or may not know about one another. It’s like The Newlywed Game, but way more fun!
  17. Gourmet Truffle Chocolate Taste Test 
    Order a box, and don’t peek at the flavors! Try to guess each one and keep score. See who has the most refined pallet at the end of your date night!
  18. Truth or Dare Topple Tower Couples Game
    This takes Jenga to a new level just for couples! It’s great as a date for two, or one you’d feel comfortable hosting a group date night with.
  19. Date Night Box- Tango Together 
    Everything you need for a date night in! This mini box is full of activities and questions to enjoy together in.
  20. Couples Games for Two 
    We have a huge list of couples games, most you can find right on Amazon! But if you need a quick and simple recommendation, the Banagrams game is always favorite and easy to enjoy as a game night for two.The Best Date Night Ideas You an Buy on Amazon

Do you have anything to add? Have you purchased anything from Amazon that you’ve used for a date night? We’d love hear!

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Get 365 Date Ideas!

We want to help you have the best date nights ever! Grab this FREE printable with 365 date ideas, a date for every day of the year so you never run out of ideas!

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One Comment

  1. Kate Lately says:

    So cool! I love this idea. We really need some new date night ideas.